Date: 11 August 2001
Made by: Scramble, Raymond van Dijkhuize, Henk & Martijn Geerlingsn
Updated: 30 November 2003
It is always a bit strange to see an active fighter on a grass field. During the Texel International Airshow this Harrier
GR7 ZD470 with a colourful tail that displays the colours of No.4 squadron, had to use its V/STOL capabilities to take
part in the static display.
Photo: Hans Rolink |
Static: D-8266 F-104G preserved B-77 Bo105CB 299Sqn J-248 F-16A on trailer L-07 PC-7 131(EMVO)Sqn R-03 AB412SP 303Sqn Q-09 AH-64D 301Sqn 1006 M-28B-1R 3DLMW ZD406/35 Harrier GR7 4sq ZD470 Harrier GR7 4sq, spec mks D-EIWZ FanTrainer 600 ex Luftwaffe 9876 F-AZCG Pilatus P2-05 ex Swiss AF U-106 F-AZKM OV-10B ex GAF 9924 F-GMED PC-7 Les Apaches F-GMEE PC-7 Les Apaches G-AGYY/27 PT-21 ex USAAF 41-1942 G-BBMX Chipmunk T10 ex RAF WP924/17 HA-ANI An-2P St. Antonov Ned. LZ-KLC L-410UVP-E nn N320SQ "232511" TB-25N DoBAF PH-DDZ, PH-PBA DC-3C DDA Flying only: J-058, J-362 F-16AM 315sq E.25-17/74-40 C-101EB Grupo 74 E.25-18/74-42 C-101EB Grupo 74 XX263/263 Hawk T1A 208(R)sq ZA947/YS-H Dakota C3 BoBMF PM631/S Spitfire PR19 BoBMF LF363/US-C Hurricane IIc BoBMF 1x Tornado GR1A 13sq PH-DDS DC-4-1009 DDA PH-OUQ "3W-17" Spitfire LF9 KLu Hist.Flt And the Biely Albatrosy with the following L-39Cs: 0112/1 0442/2 0101/4 0111/5 0102/6 0443/7 Small civil aircraft: D-EBVI C172 D-EEUQ MS893 D-EEVE C172 D-EGUR DR140 D-ELHY AA5 D-ELOB C172 D-EMLS C210 D-EMUE DR50 D-EOHP DR50 D-EOOW C172 D-KBKB HK36 D-KITA RF4 D-KOHA RF4 D-MSCN FASC. G-RAJS F22 PH-AFP P170S PH-AIL SIA8 PH-APA PA18 PH-BIK V150 PH-BNK BE36 PH-DFC TB10 PH-DFJ TB10 PH-EVF C150 PH-HCW C172 PH-HIL C150 PH-MBW FH20 PH-MHE PA32 PH-MRC F22 PH-PEP PITTS PH-POP EALE PH-PPP PARO PH-SKE C172 PH-SMD PA32 PH-SVG PA28 PH-TAT STRS PH-TGD C152 PH-UWA C150 PH-VCF TB10 PH-VCX PA18 PH-WDR PA18 PH-WWI SE5A PH-ZSS C172 PH-3E1 RANS PH-3F8 C42 PH-3H1 RANS N202AS PA28 N9912H B75N N65909 C172 RA01276 SU29 RA04180 SU26 RA44519 SU31
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