Show Reports

Texel 2007

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Date: 21 July 2007

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Arrivals 19 July:
J-248 		F-16A by road
D-EOWI 		CeF172N   
G-AGYY          Ryan ST3KR
N195JR          Beech 95  
N707TJ          A75N1     
N74189          A75N1     
PH-MHE          PA-32R-301
PH-UCS          L-4J      

Arrivals 20 July:
L-03 		PC-7
D-EDGV 		C114A GT         
D-ELLH          PA-28-181        
D-ENFF          PA-28-161        
D-KANU          ASK16            
D-MKAF          Trike            
D-MOPU          S.6 Coyote II    
D-MRSH          Renegade Spirit  
G-AJPI          Fairchild 24R-46A
G-BHEV          PA-28R-200-2     
G-BPXA          PA-28-181        
N218Y 		Ce310Q
N57797 		Stinson L-5   
N7456P          PA-24-250     
PH-3H9          Aeropro Fox   
PH-826          SF-25B Falke  
PH-AED          PA-28-181     
PH-ARJ          Ce150M        
PH-DVT          TB-10         
PH-EDD          PA-28-161     
PH-JEI          R44           
PH-KAX          PA-28-181     
PH-KNL          PA-18-135     
PH-KYK          Bellanca 8KCAB
JY-RFD          Extra 300LP   
N126CD          Cirrus SR20   
N202AS          PA-28-180     
N202PY          Ce172P        
N226RL          M20P          
N264CD          SR20          
N30940          Ce177B        
N320SQ          B-25N         
N39165          DC-2          
N406AJ          Cirrus SR22   
N417RK          PA-46-350P    
N5551Q          TB-20-250     
N611JP          PA-28-161     
N6504K          LC-40-550FG   
N68641          A75N1         
N889CD          Cirrus SR20   
N9117K          Stinson 108-1 
OO-EFA          Tipsy T.66S   
OO-PVA          Tipsy T.66S   
OO-TGM          DH-82A        
OO-WOT          Tipsy T.66S   
PH-AEE          PA-28-181     
PH-AFP          Pottier P170S 
PH-AIL          S208          
PH-AJD          PA-34-220T    
PH-ALW          CeF172M       
PH-AMB 		CeF172N          
PH-AMD          Europa TG        
PH-ANH          CeF172P          
PH-ASD          Robin DR400/200  
PH-ATW          CeF172N          
PH-AVB          CeF172P          
PH-AVT          PA-28-181        
PH-BGV          Europa           
PH-BPM          Lancair 360      
PH-BRG          CH601XL          
PH-BRT          TAMP             
PH-BSX          CeF177RG         
PH-BVE          Ce172R           
PH-BVT          PA-28-181        
PH-LEF          Ce182Q           
PH-MRC          General Avia F22C
PH-MRG          General Avia F22C
PH-RVH          Piel CP-238      
PH-TOL          Ce172M           

Arrivals 21 July:
268 		SH-14D
Q-24 		AH-64D
R-03 		AB412SP
S-440 		AS532U2
D-EAHH 		DV-20       
D-EAIJ          AG-5B       
D-EATY          PA-18-95    
D-ECMQ          CeF172H     
D-ECUU          CeF172M     
D-ECVK          CeF172M     
D-EDOB          TB-10       
D-EDRA          Dr.250/160  
D-EGAD          FA.200-160  
D-EHVT          CeF172N     
D-EHWF          DR.400/RP   
D-EITE          CeF172P     
D-ELWC          PA-28-181   
D-EOMX          CeF172L     
D-ETIG          AG-5B       
D-FONL          An-2S       
D-MRLL          Ultralight  
F-GGHM          Robin ATL   
F-PSMU          Europa XS   
G-KUBB          TB-20       
JY-RFA          Extra 300LP 
JY-RFB          Extra 300LP 
JY-RFC          Extra 300LP 
PH-BZN          FA-200-180AO
PH-CAQ          Pelican PL  
PH-CBF          CeF152      
PH-CBN          CeF172N     
PH-CJC          PA-28-181   
PH-CRM          MCR 4S-2002 
PH-CRS 		Cirrus SR20     
PH-DAI          DA40-D          
PH-DDZ          C-47A           
PH-DLK          DH-82A          
PH-DON          Ce172P          
PH-DTS          DA42 Twin Star  
PH-EAM          CeF172N         
PH-EIT          Ce182Q          
PH-EMK          Ce172R          
PH-EPO          PA-28-181       
PH-EVF          CeF152          
PH-FAM          PA-28RT-201T    
PH-FHG          PA-46-350P      
PH-FLD          DA40-D          
PH-FLE          CeF172N         
PH-FTO          Ce172RG         
PH-GBA          PA-18S-150      
PH-GEO          CeF172N         
PH-GRA          CeF150L         
PH-GYS          CeF172N         
PH-HBW          Ce172S          
PH-HCG          CeF172J         
PH-HIL          Ce150L          
PH-HLD          Ce172M          
PH-HLE          Ce152           
PH-HLF          Ce182P          
PH-HLM          PA-34-200T      
PH-HLR          Robin DR400/140B
PH-ILS          TB-10           
PH-JAI          Europa XS TG    
PH-JAS          Ce208           
PH-JBC          CeF172M         
PH-JBG          CeF172P         
PH-JBI          CeF172K  
PH-JFK 		Robin DR400/140B
PH-JJM          CeF152          
PH-JLK          DA40-D          
PH-JPR          Lancair 360 MkII
PH-KBA          Ce172P          
PH-KDN          CeF172N         
PH-KMR          GA8 Airvan      
PH-LAG          PA-28-181       
PH-LBR          Ce208           
PH-LFA          Ce172P          
PH-LGW          PA-34-22T       
PH-LIN          Ce172H          
PH-LUU          CeF172L         
PH-MBL          PA-31-350       
PH-MBV          CeF172N         
PH-MBW          FA-200-160      
PH-MDF          CeF172N         
PH-MEC          PA-38-112       
PH-MVR          R44             
PH-NDA          PA-12           
PH-NDJ          Robin Hr100/200 
PH-NWG          SC01B-160       
PH-OEI          J-3C-65         
PH-OLL          TB-20           
PH-OUQ          Spitfire IX     
PH-PAD          PA-28-181       
PH-PBA          C-47A           
PH-PBY          PBY-5A          
PH-PJB          PA-28-235       
PH-PME          TB-20           
PH-POP          Europa          
PH-PTS          Cirrus SR20     
PH-PVG          CeF172M         
PH-RAB          DA40-D          
PH-RAC          DA40-D          
PH-RAD 		DA40-D          
PH-RCF          CeF172N         
PH-RLA          Saab 91D        
PH-RPB          CeF172H         
PH-RWL          TB-9            
PH-SKB          CeF172N         
PH-SKC          CeF172N         
PH-SKE          Ce172P          
PH-SKN          Ce172M          
PH-SLA          Ce180J          
PH-SNE          PA-28-180       
PH-SPF          PA-28RT-201T    
PH-SPZ          Robin DR400/140B
PH-SSZ          Robin DR400/180 
PH-SVH          PA-28-161       
PH-SVN          Robin R2160     
PH-SVR          DA40-D          
PH-SVT          Robin DR400/140B
PH-SYD          PA-28RT-201     
PH-TAK          DA42 Twin Star  
PH-TDG          DA40-D          
PH-TDI          DA40-D          
PH-TES          P92-JS          
PH-TGF          PA-28-181       
PH-TGH          Ce172P          
PH-TWP          PA-28RT-201     
PH-UCI          J-3C-65         
PH-URK          PA-31-310       
PH-VDC          CeT210M         
PH-VFA          PA-28-161       
PH-VFB          PA-28-161       
PH-VFC          PA-28-161       
PH-VGH          MCR 4S-2002     
PH-VSF          CeF172L         
PH-VSP          CeF172N         
PH-VSS          CeF172P         
PH-VSY          PA-28-161       
PH-WCU          PA-28R-201T     
PH-WDY          Pitts S-1S      
PH-WKA          TB-10           
PH-WYN          Ce177B          
PH-1186 	SF25C Falke
PH-1193 	HK-36TC
PH-2Z9 		S-6S Coyote II  
PH-3J6          Tecnam P92      
PH-3M6          Aeropro Fox     
PH-3R3          Aeropro Fox     
PH-3R9          Cosmos Phase III
PH-3S7          Kappa KP-2UR    
PH-3T7          Tecnam P92      
PH-3U1          CH-701D STOL    
PH-3V5          Tecnam P92      
PH-3Y2          Comco C42B      
PH-4A8          Savage Criuser  
PH-995          SF-25D Falke    
RA-1771K 	Yak-52
RA-3411K 	Yak-52
SE-CNB 		Champion 7FC

Elsewhere 21 July:
D-8266 		F-104G
D-KAIR 		DG-400   
HA-ANI          An-2P    
PH-BAD          CeF172M  
PH-COA          Ce140    
PH-JBY          CeU206F  
PH-LMR          PA-32-260
PH-NDD          TB-20    
PH-TEX          CeF172M  
PH-TIL          PA-32-260
PH-1040 	L-13SEH
PH-1073 	SF-25C Falke
PH-3P9 		Rans S-6S
PH-683 		RF-5B

Flying only 20 July:
These jets braved the rain showers and low clouds on Friday
afternoon during what was supposed to be a rehearsal of their
show but turned out to be not more than a brief reconnaissance.
J-055, J-514 		F-16AM 		313sq
E10/314-UL, E22/314-LS 	Alpha Jet E	EAC00.314
E101/314-TT 		Alpha Jet E 	EAC00.314
C.15-27/15-14 		EF-18A 		Ala 15
C.15-28 15-15 		EF-18A 		Ala 15

Flying only 21 July:
These are solo performances and the flybys with the ICAO
identifier for their airport of departure and landing.
J-055 			F-16AM 		313sq 			EHLW
T-235 			KDC-10 		334sq 			EHEH
E101/314-TT 		Alpha Jet E 	EAC00.314 		EHKD
LX-N90442 		E-3A 		NAEWF 			EBMB
C.15-27/15-14 		EF-18A 		Ala 15 			EBBL
ZF339/339 		Tucano T1 	1FTS 			EBBL
F-GSHG 			CM170 		Dutch Historic Flt 	EHLE
G-SIID 			Su-26M2 	Technoforce 		EHHV
G-BWGL 			Hunter T-8C 	Hawker Hunter Fnd 	EHLW
ES-YLF, ES-YLI, ES-YLP	L-39C 		Breitling Jet Team 	EHKD
ES-YLR, ES-YLS, ES-YLX	L-39C 		Breitling Jet Team 	EHKD

Flying 21 July:
L-03 			PC-7 		131EMVOsq
R-03 			AB412SP 	303sq
JY-RFA, JY-RFB 		Extra 300LP 	Royal Jordanian Falcons
JY-RFC, JY-RFD 		Extra 300LP 	Royal Jordanian Falcons
N320SQ 			B-25N 		AMHO
N39165 			DC-2 		Aviodrome
N707TJ, N74189 		A75N1 		Team Guinot
PH-KYK 			Bell. 8KCAB 	private
PH-MRC, PH-MRG 		GA F22C 	Red Sensation
PH-OUQ 			Spitfire IX 	KLu Historische Vlucht
PH-PBY 			PBY-5A 		Stg.Exploitatie Catalina
PH-TEX 			CeF172M 	Tessel Air
PH-WDY 			Pitts S-1S 	private

For months in advance it was impossible to rent a small
aircraft in Holland for the 21 July. This year Texel Airport finally
saw an air show again! The largest small Dutch air show was
last held in 2001. Inproject Leisure Projects BV worked together
with airport director Ed de Bruijn and assistant airport
manager Mike de Bruijn and produced a beautiful smooth and
unique get together for the Dutch general aviation community,
aircraft enthousiast and general public.

The weather forecast in the week for the Saturday of the show
did not look too promising and on the day before the show a
monster weather system the size of Holland developed over
northern France working its way north. The resulting rainfall
threatened not only the grass strip and the whole show but
forced the author to divert with his rental plane on Friday
evening. By magic the system pushed through in time and
gave way for wind, blue skies with small high clouds on show

All 280+ aircraft present and flying on Saturday are in the
overview which was produced with help from the data on the website. Our overview consists of the
three arrival days and the local aircraft with just registration
and type only followed by the more normal layout with the flying
aircraft. Nearly all aircraft, more then 200, left Saturday late
afternoon at a rate of two per minute. A few left Sunday and
some departed on Monday.

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