Show Reports

Valkenburg 1984

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Date: 26 May 1984

Made by: Martin Herbert


XV226             Nimrod MR2P      42sq       RAF 
K-3021            NF5A             314sq      RNLAF *    spec.c/s 
K-3026            NF5A             314sq      RNLAF      spec.c/s 
258/V             SP13A            321sq      RNLN 
300/V, 301/V      P3C              320sq      RNLN 
302/V, 303/V      P3C              320sq      RNLN 
304/V, 306/V      P3C              320sq      RNLN 
307/V, 308/V      P3C              320sq      RNLN 
310/V             P3C              320sq      RNLN 
161595/LF-1       P3C              VP-16      USN 
89+55             Sea King MK41    MFG5       WGN * 
PH-CTB            Ce500                       Rijksluchtvaartschool * 
PH-BNH, BNO       Be33C                       Rijksluchtvaartschool * 
PH-RPW            Bo105C                      Rijkspolitie 
PH-552            Aster CS                    ZHVC 
PH-626            RF5B                        ZHVC 

PH-457            Aster K13                   ZHVC 
PH-710            Grob109                     ZHVC 
305/V             P3C              302sq      RNLN 
256/V             SP13A            321sq      RNLN 
265/K             UH14A            7sq        RNLNL 
PH-DDA            DC3                         DDA 
PH-GRY, GRB, HOK  S11-1                       Fokker 4 
PH-HOL            S11-1                       Fokker 4 

309/V             P3C              320sq      RNLN 
250/V, 252/V      SP13A            ex 321sq   RNLN       stored 
251/V, 254/V      SP13A            321sq      RNLN 
202/V             SP2H             ex 320sq   RNLN       firedump 
205/V             SP2H             ex 320sq   RNLN       dumped 

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