Show Reports

Bratislava 1995

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Date: 20/21 May 1995

Made by:

Updated: 14 December 2001

Su-27 Flanker, Ukrainean Air Force
One of the highlights of the show at the Slovak International Air Display 1995 was this Su-27 Flanker of the air force of Ukraine. This "34" coded aircraft is wearing construction number 36911014308.

Photo Mark Schenk

AT05, AT28            Alpha Jet    9w
RJ-30                 S105Ö        JBG
3H-FM                 PC-7         FlS
033                   PZL130TC-1   60LPS
0417                  W-3          47SPS
1107                  An-30        334pzdlt
24 red (36911013812)  Su-27        Ukr AF
XX185/185             Hawk T1      6FTS
XX187/187             Hawk T1A     6FTS
XX720/GB              Jaguar GR1A  54sq
ZA551/IV              Torando GR1  2sq
ZG752/XIII            Torando GR1  13sq
81-0956/SP,81-0976/SP A-10A        81th FS
57-1456/D             KC-135R      351st ARS
85-25471              AH-64A       2/227th AVN
2209                  An-12BP      2ZmDLP
2506                  An-26        2ZmDLP
3404/8                L-29         5LSP
0745                  L-39V        5LSP
4707                  L-39ZA       31LZ
7737                  Mi-2         4VRP
0812                  Mi-17        4VRP
0832                  Mi-24V       4VRP
8207                  MiG-21MF     1SLP
1303                  MiG-29UB     1SLP
3316/F                Su-22M-4     3SBLP
5036                  Su-25K       3SBLP
OM-SDA                L-410        Saegle Air
RA-78840 (1003403056) Il-76MD      VTA/Aeroflot
UR-76700  	      Il-76MD      Ukranian AF

Far side/flightlines:
130337                CC130H       435sq
F207/64-GG,F224/64-GX C-160NG      ET64
12/2-FS               Mirage 2000C EC2/2
512/12-FI             Mirage 2000B EC2/2
MM7121/3-31           AMX          28øGr
MM7131/RS-13          AMX          RSV
MM62114/46-80         G-222TCM     98øGr
MM62130/RS-51         G-222TCM     311øGr/RSV
A-350, A-390, A-398   Alouette 3   300sq
A-453, A-465          Alouette 3   300sq
C-8                   F27-300M     334sq
J-003, J-061          F-16A        306sq,315sq
L-02, L-10            PC-7         EMVO
GA-11                 S105Ö        JBG
3H-FN                 PC-7         FlS
017                   PZL130TB-1   60LPS
0415                  W-3          47SPS
0703, 0705, 0816      Mi-24V       331vrlt
1002, 9013            Su-25K       322tlt
04 bl (36911031412)   Su-27        Russki Vityazi
05 bl (36911051513)   Su-27        Russki Vityazi
06 bl (36911028003)   Su-27        Russki Vityazi
07 bl (36911031615)   Su-27        Russki Vityazi
18 bl (1040804)       Su-27UB      Russki Vityazi
19 bl (1040807)       Su-27UB      Russki Vityazi
709 out (N79871011001) Su-35       Russ AF
XX235, XX244          Hawk T1      74sq
ZA371/C               Tornado GR1A 2sq
34 r (36911014308)    Su-27        Ukr AF
0101, 0102, 0111      L-39C        5LSP
0112, 0443            L-39C        5LSP
4355, 4357            L-39C        5LSP
4711                  L-39ZA       31LZ
0927, 1133            L-410T       5LSP
0817, 3932            Mi-8T        2ZmDLP
0833                  Mi-24V       4VRP
9712                  MiG-21MF     1SLP
7501                  MiG-29A      1SLP

Alpha Jets of the Patrouille de France:
E23/FTERO/9,    E37/FTERI/1,    E72/FTERG/8
E97/FTERL/2,    E105/FTERF/3,   E106/FTERJ/4
E125/FTERH/5,   E140/FTERD/6,   E141/FTERA/7

MB339As of Frecce Tricolori:
MM54439/6,  MM54445/8,  MM54473/4,  MM54477/9
MM54478/7,  MM54480/0,  MM54482/5,  MM54483/13
MM54484/3,  MM54486/2,  MM54536/10

Mi-2        : 4523, 4524, 8215, 8217*
Mi-17       : 0820#, 0844, 0846*, 0847
Mi-24D      : 0220*, 0222        
Mi-24V      : 0708, 0927
L-410FG     : 1203, 1521  
L-410UVP    : 0730
L-29        : 1901, 3228/9, 3246/16
Tu-154B-2   : 0420        
MiG-29A     : 2022, 3911
Su-25K      : 1007, 8074  
Su-25UBK    : 3237
MiG-21MF    : 1206, 4309  
MiG-21UM    : 3156
Su-22M-4    : 3311/D, 3619/K, 4014/N
MiG-29A     : 0820, 0921, 9308
# = Saturday only
* = Sunday only

Far side - Policie hangar:
B-2048, B-2405        Mi-2         Policie
B-2406, B-2744        Mi-2         Policie
B-2909, B-2950        Mi-2         Policie
B-8427                Mi-8P        Policie
OM-BYE                Yak-40       Slovak Gvmt

Civil terminal - in front of the Policie hangar:
5803                  An-24V       63dlt
5605                  An-24V       2ZmDLP
3208                  An-26        2ZmDLP
0420                  Tu-154B-2    2ZmDLP
B-8532                Mi-8PS       Policie
OM-BYL                Yak-40       Slovak Gvmt
OM-BYO                Tu-154M      Slovak Gvmt

Near civil terminal:
OM-DXO                Mi-8         Air Transport
OK-LJP                Mi-2         dumped
OM-TFA                Mi-2

Back platforms/store compounds etc:
OM-EIP, OM-FIO        Mi-2
OM-JIF                An-2         c/n 1G18620
OM-JIY                Mi-2         c/n 536013029
OM-KIN                An-2         c/n 1G19009
OM-MIN                Mi-2         c/n 527734072
OM-NIN                Mi-2
OM-MIO                Mi-2         c/n 527735072
OM-PIP, OM-PIS        Mi-2
OM-OIO                Mi-2         c/n 528423014
OM-OIQ                Mi-2         c/n 528620034
OM-OIR                Mi.2         c/n 528621034
OM-OIS                Mi-2         c/n 528622034
OM-OIT                Mi-2         c/n 514308095
OM-PDI                L-410        dumped
OM-PIO                Mi-2         c/n 529308065
OM-PIQ                Mi-2         c/n 529310065
OM-PIR                Mi-2         c/n 529311065
OM-PIT                Mi-2         c/n 513830114
OM-WIO                Bell 206

HA-ACU                Do28D2       ex Luftwaffe
OM-UGT, OM-UGU        Saab 340
OM-ODQ, OM-WDB        L-410
CCCP-67367            L-410UVP     wfu

Outside hangar 4:
CCCP-67365            L-410UVP     wfu
RA-48066      	      An-32B       UN  c/n 2501
RA-25805      	      Mi-17        c/n 520M17
TS-LCA                An-32B       North African Al
B-2406                Mi-2         Policie

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