Show Reports

Ysterplaat 2006

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Date: 19-24 September 2006

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6700				R-99A		2°/6°Gav/BrazilAF
(104)/2104E, (106)/2106G	K-8		2sq/ZimbabweAF
800				C212M-200	3sq/ZimbabweAF
4006	                        A109		Denel		indoor        
4013	                        A109		SAAF		flying display
650	                        Beech B200C	41sq          
388	                        BK117A-3	15sq          
6825, 6839, 6840, 6877		C-47TP		35sq
6854, 6884, 6887		C-47TP		std
6859				C-47A		SAAF mks	flying         
6864	                        C-47TP		dump                           
6875	                        C-47TP		wfu		80 yrs mks             
8011	                        C212M-200	44sq                   
747	                        Ce185E		44sq                           
3011	                        Ce208		41sq                           
359	                        Cheetah C	2sq                    
347	                        Cheetah C	2sq		solo display   
3x	                        Cheetah C	nn		flying Saturday
2x	                        Cheetah C	nn		flying Sunday  
861	                        Cheetah D	2sq		spec mks, Sun  
8026	                        CN235M		44sq                           
ZS-CAQ				Falcon 50	21sq
7231, 7293			Harvard IIA	Museum HF
256, 261, 263			Hawk Mk120	85 CFS
01				JAS39D		TFDC
460				MB326M		Museum HF
1202, 1209, 1229		Oryx		22sq
1224				Oryx		22sq		UN mks
1235, 1236, 1237, 1239		Oryx		22sq
896				P166S		Museum HF
2018/-, 2023/1, 2024/3		PC-7 MkII	CFS/Silver Falcons
2025/4, 2027/4, 2028/2		PC-7 MkII	CFS/Silver Falcons
2036/-				PC-7 MkII	CFS/Silver Falcons     
680	                        Rooivalk	16sq                   
624	                        SA316B		22sq                           
314	                        SA321L		Museum HF                      
1722	                        ShackltonMR3	Museum HF              
93	                        Wasp HAS1	Museum HF              
A6-ELC	                        BAe125-850XP                           
D-HMBA	                        EC145		"HIKO"                         
F-GSMT	                        Falcon 900EX	Dassault               
N182GX	                        Global 5000	Wilmington Trust       
N208AZ	                        Ce208B		Cessna                         
N302CJ	                        Ce525A		Cessna                         
N927LT	                        Ce680		Cessna                         
PP-XMB	                        ERJ190		Embraer                        
PT-SFC	                        ERJ135BJ	Embraer                
ZS-ABG	                        Raytheon 390	Abelengani Avn         
ZS-ACT	                        CL-300		Seary                          
ZS-AVH	                        PC-12/47	nn                     
ZS-EOS	                        AB139		Fireblade                      
ZS-GSG	                        Lj60		Skyros Properties              
ZS-JAV	                        F28-4000	AirQuarius             
ZS-LDV	                        Ce500		Pabair Trust                   
ZS-OKR	                        MFI-17		Blue Chip Avn                  
ZS-OUF	                        PA-31-301FT	Placo                  
ZS-PRU	                        GA8 Airvan	Airvan Africa          
ZS-RLN	                        EC120B		Eurocopter                     
ZS-RXJ	                        EC135P2		Eurocopter                     
ZS-RZV	                        AS350B3		Polisie                        
ZS-SNG	                        A340-642	SAA		flying Sunday  
ZS-SNH	                        A340-642	SAA		flying Saturday
ZU-AUJ	                        Hunter FGA9	ex RAF XE653                     
ZU-AUX/55			L-29		Sasol Tigers
ZU-AVI				BuccaneerS2B	ex RAF XW988      
ZU-AYS	                        Harvard III	ex SAAF 7475      
ZU-BBD	                        Lightning T5	ex RAF XS452      
ZU-BEW	                        Lightning F6	ex RAF XR773      
ZU-BET	                        AT-6C		ex SAAF 7695              
ZU-BEU	                        Harvard IIA	ex SAAF 7188      
ZU-BEX	                        Lightning T5	ex RAF XS451      
ZU-BEY	                        Lightning F6	ex RAF XP693      
ZU-BMC	                        Harvard III	ex SAAF 7609      
ZU-BOI	                        Mi-24 Mk3	ATE		ex Georgia
ZU-CYH/112			L-29		Sasol Tigers
ZU-CYI/97			L-29		Sasol Tigers, w/o 22
ZU-DME				Mirage 3CZ	ex SAAF 800
ZU-TEE				L-39C		HMT project
ZU-ZPA				Spitfire Mk26	private
ZS-...				A109		nn		indoor static
Z.-...				Mirage F1AZ	ex SAAF 233
1x				UH-1H		nn
1x				AB205		nn		indoor static
The contributor of this airshow log did not separate the static display aircraft 
from the aircraft taking part in the flying display, so all numbers are gathered 
in one list. This show treated us with a large number of interesting aircraft 
(among them are three aircraft of Zimbabwe, a surprising Embraer of the Brazilian 
Air Force and - not to forget - four flying Lightnings), but unfortunately also 
a fatal accident. On the 22nd one of the L-29 Delfins of the Sasol Tiger team 
(the ZU-CYI) crashed in the sea, killing the well-known and appreciated pilot 
Martin van Straaten.

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