Date: 7-9 October 2008
Made by: Scramble
Flying only: V-259, V-278*, V279* SA316B nb J-5002, J-5005, J-5008 F/A-18C nb J-5013, J-5019 F/A-18C nb J-5011 F/A-18C FlSt11 (special c/s) T-313, T-320, T-325* AS332M1 nb T-333, T-338*, T-339* AS532UL FlSt6 badge T-354 EC635P2+ nb V-6.. PC-6/2B-H2M1 LTSt7 A-102 PC-21 Pilotenschule J-3044, J-3062, J-3063 F-5E nb J-3068, J-3070, J-3097 F-5E nb HB-XWH A109 Aircraft marked * were seen Thursday 9th October. The Patrouiile de Suisse with their F-5Es: J-3081, J-3082, J-3084,J- 3086, J-3087, J-3090 Because of the weather conditions, this year’s Axalp fliegerdemonstration was unfortunately cancelled on both days. The whole program was flown on the rehearsal day.
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