Date: 22-24 May 2007
Made by: Scramble
Static: C-FBLU Lj60 Skyservice 60-253 CS-DMN Beech 400A NetJets RK-475 D-IBSG Beech C90GT LJ-1760 EI-KJC BAe125-850XP Airlink Aw 258805 F-GPKN P180 Transport’Air 1123 F-GVNG Falcon 2000LX Dassault 114 F-HBGD TBM-850 EADS SOCATA 389 F-WSKY Falcon 7X Dassault 03 HB-FMY PC-6/B2-H4 Pilatus 955 HB-IMJ G-V G5 Executive 517 HB-IPP A318-111 Comlux 2910 HB-VHV BAe125-800B Rabbit Air 258153 N4AS B737-74U Air Shamrock 29233 N15QS Raytheon 4000 Raytheon RC-6 N21FS Beech 3NM CA-138 N30UD Ce525B On Time 525B-0131 N40XR Lj40XR Learjet 45-2028 N45LJ Lj45XR Learjet 45-318 N92TH Beech 350 Raytheon FL-509 N104TG ATG Javelin 100 mock-up N167GX Global XRS Bombardier 9167 N200GA G200 Gulfstream 151 N241CJ Ce525A Cessna 525A-0341 N300BZ CL-300 Bombardier 20030 N371TS CL-300 Aero Toy 20071 N403CM Ce510 Cessna 510-0003 N450GD G450 Gulfstream 4065 N468DB Beech G58 Raytheon TH-2161 N505EA Eclipse 500 Eclipse EX500-106 N506TF Ce501 Stallion Sierra 501-0001 N550GD G550 Gulfstream 5125 N559GV G-V GenieOne 559 N604TF CL-604 Aero Toy 5655 N605CC CL-605 Bombardier 5702 N634CJ Ce525 Cessna 525-0634 N681SV Ce680 Cessna 680-0117 N684TS CL-604 Aero Toy 5384 N752CE Ce560 Encore+Cessna 560-0752 N781TS B737-75V Aero Toy 28581 N792CT CL-601-3R Aquila 5148 N830DB G150 Aledo Sub 206 N901HB SJ30-2 M. Jaffe 006 N922H G450 Honeywell 4036 N36890 Raytheon 390 Raytheon RB-160 N90646 Ce208B Cessna 208B-1197 OE-GZK Ce560XLS Jet All. 560-5668 OE-HAL Ce750 Jet All. 750-0259 OO-PHB Beech 1900D ASL UE-106 PT-SHV ERJ135BJ Embraer 14500982 TF-MIO Do328-310 Icejet 3181 VP-BCI CRJ200SE Aero Toy 7351 Patio in front of Palexpo Hall 6: G-NIVA EC155B1 Lanthwaite 6642 HB-ZHP A109S Swiss Jet 22025 I-AWIT AW139 31043 OE-XFB EC135T2 Flying Bulls 0470 Palexpo Hall 7: HB-FVV PC-12/47 Pilatus 778 This year’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2007), held in Geneva, Switzerland from 22 May to 24 May, was concluded as the biggest and best in the show’s seven-years history. EBACE had a record number of attendees, exhibitors and aircraft on display. The attendee total reached 11,267 this year, the exhibitor count reached 354 and 1,423 booth spaces were present. A record-setting 61 business aircraft were displayed, with 56 business aircraft on the static display at Geneva International Airport and five aircraft (including four helicopters) at Geneva PALEXPO. We once more like to stress that during this event numerous bizjets and bizprops visit Geneva Airport as well. So see you next year in Geneva to attend this annual (growing) happening... EBACE 2008 is planned to be held from 20 May up to and including 22 May.
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