Show Reports

Hsinchu 2005(2)

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Date: 12 November 2005

Made by:


2005/Ei05	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2023/Ei23	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2026/Ei26	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2061/Di11	Mir2000-5Di	2TFW

Shelter 24 (behind static):
2003/Ei03	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW

2001/Ei01	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2006/Ei06	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2009/Ei09	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2022/Ei22	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW	spare
2027/Ei27	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2030/Ei30	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2037/Ei37	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW	spare
2048/Ei48	Mir2000-5Ei	2TFW
2055/Ei05	Mir2000-5Di	2TFW
2062/Ei62	Mir2000-5Di	2TFW

Preserved near gate:
6275		F-86F		2TFW
0225/31604	F-100A		2TFW
4171/61-03073	TF-104G		11TFG
4255/58-0865	F-104A		2TFW
4393/63-12735	F-104G		11TFG
3333/T-3333	T-33A		2TFW

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