Date: 15 April 2006
Made by:
Preserved: 7273 C-47 ex AFA 3120/51-8070 C-119G ex 2sq Static: 0840/76-6040 AT-3 AFA 0841/76-6041 AT-3 AFA 1301/85-0013 C-130H 6th T/EWW 2501, 2505 E-2T 6th T/EWW 70332/5249 F-5E 7th TFW 80870/5268 F-5E 7th TFW 6670 F-16A 26th FS/5th TFW 6830 F-16B 12th TRS/5th TFW 1429/84-8047 F-CK-1A 7th FS/3rd TFW 1609/83-8027 F-CK-1B 7th FS/3rd TFW 2006/Ei06 Mir 2000-5Ei 2nd TFW 2016/Ei16 Mir 2000-5Ei 2nd TFW Elsewhere: 3144 C-119G in pieces 3204 C-119F stored 2506 E-2T 6th T/EWW 7010 S-70C-1 SAR sq 2x F-5 nn
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