Date: 13 January 2007
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L2-19/00/876 AC-47D pres on base L2-24/01/545 VC-47D pres on base (L2-52/19/559) AC-47D pres on base (L4K-16/18/700) C-123K pres on apron Kh17-44/06/1326 "83234" F-86F pres on base (2202) UH-1H pres as "20311" (H4K-17/06) S-58T pres gate, unmarked H4K-61/19/20171 S-58T pres on base (JF13-105/14) T-28D pres gate as "53885" (J5-6/14)/41106/158401 OV-10C pres on base Dump area: (70-15854) UH-1H ex VNAF cabin only (H8-03/38)/03 Bell 206B dump cabin only L2-32/11/501 AC-47 dump L2-36/14/224/40223 C-47D dump L2-37/14/734 C-47D dump L2-47/18/079 AC-47D dump L2-50/19/093 C-47D dump 2204 UH-1H std 1604, 5659, 6030 UH-1H dump 6031, 6254, 7682 UH-1H dump 9476, 9650, 9715 UH-1H dump H4K-34/09/20121 S-58T wfu H4K-31/07/20143 S-58T wfu H4K-62/19/20172 S-58T wfu H4K-10/05, (H4K-20/06) S-58T wreck (H4K-23/07), H4K-27/07 S-58T wreck (H4K-42/09),(H4K-58/12) S-58T wreck (H4K-63/19) S-58T wreck From all Thai Hueys, except for 2204, the rotor blades were removed.
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