Show Reports

Castle Bromwich 1954

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Date: 18 September 1954

Made by: Peter A Rowlings


DP200		Sunderland MR5		B-Z
FT156		Harvard T2		
LX118 or 119	Oxford T2		
LX672		Oxford T2		
HJ971		Mosqiuto T3	
RH767	        Brigand		
RA684		Lincoln B2	
SN127		Tempest TT5	
TW453 or 455	Auster AOP6			
TW528		Auster AOP6			                   
TW530	        Auster AOP6			                   
VW838	        Valetta C1			                   
WA657	        Meteor T7			                   
WD409	        Anson T21			                   
WF369	        Varsity T1		H	                   
W?917	        Canberra 			                   
WN510 	        Balliol T2			                   
WK550	        Chipmunk T10		Birmingham U. A. S.
WP832 or 834	Chipmunk T10		Birmingham U. A. S.
WP900		Chipmunk T10		Birmingham U. A. S.
WP922		Chipmunk T10		Birmingham U. A. S.
WZ868		Chipmunk T10		Birmingham U. A. S.
WD322	        Chipmunk T10			                   
WD377	        Chipmunk T10			                   
WP203	        Valiant B1			                   
WT591	        Hunter F1			                   
WV489	        Provost T1			                   
WV510	        Provost T1			                   
WV787	        Canberra B2		Sapphire engines   
WB818	        Shackleton MR1			                   
WB824	        Shackleton MR1			                   
WB861	        Shackleton MR1			                   
XD516	        Vampire T11			                   
	        Vampire FB5		605 Sqn            
	        Vampire FB5		605 Sqn            
	        Vampire FB5		605 Sqn            
	        Vampire FB5		605 Sqn            
VS276	        Prentice T1			                   
VM359	        Anson C19			                   
VP523	        Anson C19			                   
VP527	        Anson C19		                           
VP530	        Anson C19		                           
WH702	        Canberra B2		                           
WH717	        Canberra B2		                           
WX547	        Neptune MR1		                           
WB925 or 975	Sedburgh TX1		
G-ANSF		Balliol T2		B.P. demonstrator

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