Show Reports

Portland 1983

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Date: 17 July 1983

Made by: Jason Ganner


160			SA.321G
XW854, XW856, XX431	Gazelle
XZ938			Gazelle
XZ229, XZ230, XZ231	Lynx
XZ239, XZ243, XZ245	Lynx
XZ254, XZ255, XZ689	Lynx
XZ692, XZ694, XZ695	Lynx
XZ698, XZ699, XZ720	Lynx
XZ721, XZ723, XZ724	Lynx
XZ726, XZ727, XZ730	Lynx
XZ731, ZD250, ZD251	Lynx
ZD252, ZD253, ZD255	Lynx
ZD256			Lynx
XZ457, XZ458		Sea Harrier
ZA135, ZA293		Sea King
XS527, XS537, XS562	Wasp
XS566, XS567, XS572	Wasp
XT415, XT426, XT430	Wasp
XT439, XT783, XT785	Wasp
XV639			Wasp
XM326, XP110, XS492	Wessex
XS496, XS510, XT771	Wessex

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