Show Reports

Southend 1998

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Date: 25 May 1998

Made by: Kevin Hall, Bill Pennington


ZD281/K            Lynx AH7              671SQN 
ZA777              Gazelle AH1           Blue Eagles 
XW848              Gazelle AH1           Blue Eagles 
ZB673              Gazelle AH1           Blue Eagles 
XZ334              Gazelle AH1           Blue Eagles 
XX378              Gazelle AH1           Blue Eagles 
XV202              Hercules C3           LTW 
ZF292              Tucano T1             1 FTS 
ZF202              Tucano T1             1 FTS 
ZF122/VI           Sea King HC4          846SQN 
ZE696/126          Sea Harrier F/A2      800 SQN 
ZE203/FI           Tornado F3            25 SQN 
ZE165/ZK           Tornado F3            25 SQN 
ZD406/35           Harrier GR7           20(R)SQN 
ZD463/53           Harrier GR7           20(R)SQN 
XZ245/306          Lynx HAS 3S           815 SQN 
XV258              Nimrod MR2            Kinloss S/W             Flying Only 
45+02              Tornado               GAF JBG34               Flying Only 
L-03               PC-7                  RNLAF EMVO 
L-06               PC-7                  RNLAF EMVO 
OJ-4 (G-UNNY)      Strikemaster          ex Botswanan A.F. 
OJ-5 (G-BXFP)      Strikemaster          ex Botswanan A.F. 

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