Show Reports

Woodford 1973

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Date: 23 June 1973

Made by: Ian Powell

Updated:7 February 2024, Jean-Michel Schweitzer; 16 December 2024, Ian Powell;

Type:                 Serial:   Code:     Unit: 
Argosy C.1            XP422 ??                               Incorrect serial, perhaps XP442, needs confirmation 
Chipmunk T.10         WG470     32        2 FTS              The Blue Chips
Chipmunk T.10         WK643     39 
Harrier GR.1          XV760     60        233 OCU 
Harrier GR.1          XV807     07        233 OCU 
Hercules C.1          XV190 
Hercules C.1          XV213 
Jet Provost T.4       XR704 
Lightning F.3         XR716               226 OCU 
Varsity T.1           WJ896     H         AAITS 
Varsity T.1           WJ907     Q         AAITS 
Victor B.1            XA922 
Victor K.2            XH671 
Victor K.2            XL232 
Victor K.2            XM715 
Vulcan B.2            XM603                50 Sqn 
Whirlwind HAR.10      XN127     W          CFS(H) 
C-130E                63-7861   LM         316 TAW 

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