Show Reports

Altus 2006

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Date: 20 May 2006

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(44617)			JRB4		pres as '47617'
(49206)			C-47B		pres as '43-49206'
65-9400			C-141B		pres

78-0673/DM		A-10A		357th FS	"355Wg"
80-0207/DM		A-10A		357th FS
86-0097/DY		B-1B		28th BS	"28BS"
70-0462			C-5A		97th AMW
93-0601			C-17A		97th AMW	"97OG"
93-0602			C-17A		97th AMW	"97AMW"
84-0095			C-21A		54th AS
05-3146			C-130J-30	48th AS	5567
63-8006			KC-135R		97th AMW
62-4134/OF		RC-135W		38th RS
90-0770/LF		F-16CG		310th FS
01-4019/TY, 02-4032/TY	F-22A		43rd FS
66-14432		TH-53J		551st SOS	"551SOS"  "69-4432" on datablock
91-0099/RA		T-1A		99th FTS	"99FTS"
04-3751/VN		T-6A		33rd FTS
68-8041/VN		T-37B		8th FTS
68-8168/EN		T-38C		88th FTS
68-8204/HO		T-38A		7th CTS

Flightline East (in front of static):
NL40PN			P-40N		ex 44-7369/5
N47HL			CC-129		ex 12909
NL51JC "44-72339"	F-51D		ex FAD1918
N134GM			OV-1D		ex 62-5889
N217SH			LiM-5		ex 1611
N900RW "238050/BN-U"	B-17G		ex 44-85718
N2047 "Kate 310"	Harvard Mk4	ex 20292
N3725G "Kate AII-356"	SNJ-5		ex 84875
N4447 "Zero AI-111"	Harvard Mk4	ex 20450
N5264V			TBM-3		ex 53353
N5428V			P-51D		ex 44-73264/CY-U
NX9097 "Zero AI-112"	Harvard Mk4	ex 20367
N11171 "Zero AI-115"	AT-6B		ex 41-17422
N15797 "Zero AI-114"	Harvard Mk4	ex 20408
NX15799 "Zero AI-113"	Harvard Mk4	ex 20326
N54033			N2S-4		ex ?/262	75-3857
N67208 "Val AI-257"	BT-13A		ex ?/AI-257
7x			F-16C		Thunderbirds
1x			F-16D		Thunderbirds

Behind C-17 Cargo Compartment Trainer hangars:
70-16017, 71-21004	AH-1S		PA ArNG-markings
70-15441		GOH-58A		nn
71-20571		OH-58A		nn

Flightline South:
78-0546/EG		F-15C		58th FS               
78-0549/EG		F-15C	        60th FS               
68-0217, 70-0452	C-5A	        97th AMW              
69-0010			C-5A	        97th AMW	"97OG"
70-0459			C-5A	        97th AMW	"56AS"
70-0467			C-5A	        97th AMW              
90-0532, 92-3293	C-17A	        97th AMW              
92-3294, 93-0599	C-17A	        97th AMW              
96-0003, 98-0051	C-17A	        97th AMW              
97-0042			C-17A	        97th AMW              
98-0053			C-17A	        97th AMW	"58AS"
61-0302, 62-3549	KC-135R	        97th AMW              
63-7976, 63-7978	KC-135R	        97th AMW              
63-8019, 63-8027	KC-135R	        97th AMW              

Flightline North:
57-1493(nmks), 59-1459	KC-135R		97th AMW
60-0320, 60-0360	KC-135R		97th AMW
61-0304, 61-0308	KC-135R		97th AMW
61-0312, 62-3517	KC-135R		97th AMW
62-3552, 62-3553	KC-135R		97th AMW
62-3564, 63-7977	KC-135R		97th AMW
63-7997, 63-8017"54ARS"	KC-135R		97th AMW
63-8034, 63-8887	KC-135R		97th AMW

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