Date: 15 May 1993
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Static: 82-0660/FT A-10A 23rd Wing 83-0065/DY B-1B 96th Wing 60-0038/KI B-52H 410th BW 70-0452 C-5A 436th AW 73-1683 C-9C 89th AW 85-0030/SJ KC-10A 4th Wing 73-22268 C-12C US Army 86-0203 C-20B 89th AW 84-0076 C-21A 89th AW 83-4616 C-22B 201st ALS 63-7777 C-130E 167th ALS WV ANG 65-0966 WC-130H 403rd AW 58-0062 KC-135A 96th Wing 62-3510 KC-135R 97th AMW 58-6970 C-137B 89th AW 65-0226 C-141B 459th AW AFRes 77-0353/OK E-3B 552nd ACW 65-0903 RF-4C 173rd RS NE ANG 88-1669/SJ F-15E 4th Wing 79-0326/DC F-16A 121st FS DC ANG 87-0356/LF F-16C 58th FW "310FS" 87-0358/LF F-16C 310th FS/58th FW 73-0711/CC F-111F 27th FW 86-0823/HO F-117A 49th FW 69-6636 UH-1N 89th AW 70-16420 UH-1H MDW 90-0219 CH-47D US Army 66-15259 AH-1F 1-224th AVN 91-0553 OH-58D Fort Bragg 85-24443 UH-60A Fort Eustis 88-0209 AH-64A Fort Eustis 91-0080 T-1A 64th FRW 59-0303 T-37B nn 70-1570 T-38A 80th FTW 65-5238/N5238F T-41A OTS 159489/QG-06 A-4M VMA-131 160788/CB-06 EA-6B VMAQ-1 163034/AA-624 EA-6B VAQ-132 160420/AC-601 E-2C VAW-126 153904/MG-000 F-4S VMFA-321 (ret.) 159868/AF-104 F-14A VF-201 161970/MG-01 F/A-18A VMFA-321 164578/MP-08 AH-1W HMA-773 156462/MQ-408 CH-46E HMM-774 162502 CH-53E USMC 159506/LW-01 P-3C VP-68 162739/WP-12 AV-8B VMA-223 6031 HH-60J Elizabeth City 2109 HU-25A USCG Far side: 79-0178/SW,80-0229/SW OA-10A 21st FS/363rd FW 85-1607/GK-001 C-31A Golden Knights 64-0637, 64-0645 C-141B 459th AW AFRes 79-0030/TY,80-0016/TY F-15C 1st FS/325th FW 164994/WV C-130T VR-48 164996/WV, 164997/WV KC-130T VR-48 163222/AD-111 F-14B VF-101 162468 F/A-18A USMC 161974/MG-02 F/A-18A VMFA-321 plus codes MG-06, MG-10, MG-11 162949/KD-34 AV-8B VMAT-203 162725/KD-37 AV-8B VMAT-203 N904NA T-38A NASA Johnson F-16A/B 121st FS DC : 78-0010, 78-0012, 78-0062 79-0356, 80-0481, 80-0511 80-0516, 80-0624 + "121FS" Hangar far side: 158649/AF-621 EA-6B VAQ-209 plus codes AF-620 en AF-623 Flying (landed after para-drop): C-141B 437th AW: 63-8079, 65-0273, 65-0279, 66-0167 66-0202, 67-0004 Flightline next to ATC tower: 73-1681 C-9C 89th AW 86-0202, 86-0204 C-20B 89th AW 86-0205 C-20B 89th AW 65-9399 C-141B 62nd AW plus two Thunderbirds F-16s. District of Colombia Air National Guard Area: 73-1682 C-9C 89th AW 86-0375 C-21A 201st ALS 83-4612 C-22B 201st ALS 69-6655, 69-6656 UH-1N 89th AW 69-6658, 69-6669 UH-1N 89th AW 69-7538 UH-1N 89th AW Hangar 3: 73-1212, 73-1213 C-12A nn 83-0495, 83-0496 C-12D nn 69-6642 UH-1N 89th AW
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