Show Reports

Holloman 2007

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Date: 27/28 October 2007

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46+19 			Tornado IDS G	AFFTC
3001 			F-16F 		LM for UAE RF-1
78-0706/DM 		A-10A 		357th FS "357FS"
80-0203/DM              A-10A 		358th FS        
85-0088/DY              B-1B 		9th BS           
85-0009 		C-5B 		nmk
84-0185 		KC-10A mod 	60th AMW
77-0355/OK 		E-3B 		964th AACS       
74-0665/HD              QF-4E 		82nd ATRS Det. 1
78-0546/EG              F-15C 		58th FS         
82-0013/EG              F-15C 		60th FS "60FS"  
86-0332 		F-16C 		188th FS NM ANG
00-4012/OT 		F-22A 		422nd TES
80-0788/HO 		F-117A 		8th FS
74-22436 		JUH-1H 		White Sands MR
89-26200 		HH-60G 		55th RQS
04-3732/VN 		T-6A 		8th FTS
65-10825/EN 		T-37B 		89th FTS
63-8215/HT 		AT-38B 		586th TSS
02-0024 		CV-22B 		71st SOS
165610/A-168 		T-45C 		TW-1
NX117BR 		Lim-5R 		ex Poland 1529
N435BA/AF-5BA 		L-13AC 		94th FTS
N7872N FC 		T-41C 		ex 68-7872
NX9455X 		T-41D 		USAF AUX CAP
NL53503/309 		TBM-3E 		Rocky Mountain Wg

Flying only:
86-0110/DY 		B-1B 		9th BS
04-0027 		CV-22B 		71st SOS "58OG"

Flightline near static/flying:
72-0162/HD, 74-1626/HD 	QF-4E 		82nd ATRS Det. 1
88-0457/HL, 88-0533/HL 	F-16CG 		388th FW
88-0477/HL 		F-16CG 		421st FS
99-4010/OT 		F-22A 		"422TES"
NX28NB 			T-28B 		ex 138287 
N34B 			T-34A           ex 53-0017
N53BR 			T-34A           ex 53-3391
N134TD 			T-34B           ex 140745 
N400LL 			T-34B           ex 144093 
N421NM 			Beech A45 	ex 55-0720
N884TA "44-48884" 	AT-6C 		ex 49-3190
NX5443U 		T-28B           ex 140047 
NX9060F 		T-28B           ex 138164 
N12252 			T-34A           ex 55-0704

Operational flightline:
64-14858 		MC-130P 	550th SOS
84-0045/ET 		F-15D 		40th FLTS
74-22367 		JUH-1H 		White Sand MR
77-22718 		UH-60A 		US CBP
80-23465 		UH-60A 		US CBP
62-3660/HT 		AT-38B 		586th TSS
64-13269/HT 		T-38C 		586th TSS
67-14831/HO 		T-38A           7th CTS  
67-14833/HO 		T-38A           7th CTS  
67-14939/HO 		T-38A           7th CTS  
68-8139/HO, 68-8150/HO 	T-38A           7th CTS  
68-8172/HO, 68-8177/HO 	T-38A           7th CTS  
68-8185/HO, 68-8186/HO 	T-38A           7th CTS  
68-8204/HO 		T-38A           7th CTS  
N154EH 			Bo105S 		Red Bull
N4168Q 			Ce310N 		Holloman AFB
Plus another fifteen unidentified QF-4 drones.

Flightline far side:
83-0808/HO, 84-0810/HO 	F-117A 		9th FS
84-0824/HO 		F-117A 		9th FS "49OG"

64-13247/BB 		T-38A 		1st RS
65-10429/BB 		T-38A 		1st RS "9RW"
66-4332/BB 		T-38A 		1st RS

(63-7537)/HO "63-535" 	F-4C 		preserved
76-0037/HO 		F-15A 		preserved "49FW"
49-1853/FT-853 		F-80C 		preserved
51-9396 		F-84F 		preserved
56-3220 		F-100D 		preserved
56-0886/HM 		F-104C          preserved
61-0145 		F-105D          preserved
56-0454/AD-102 		F-106A          preserved
60-0576/HM 		AT-38B          preserved

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