Show Reports

Langley 1999

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Date: 28 August 1999

Made by: Robert Hobbelman

Updated: 22 September 1999

79-0086/MD  wh/blue  A10A       MD ANG 
85-0083/EL           B1B        7BS  [War Eagles] 
61-0016/LA  yellow   B52H       2BW  [Free Bird/Remember POW/MIA/You are not forgotten] 
86-0019     yl/red   C5B        436AW 
93-0599     yl/blue  C17A       437AW 
84-0116              C21A 
74-1665     blue     C130H      463AW 
65-0987/MY  blue     HC130P 
57-1434              KC135E     116ARS/WA ANG 
92-3290/WR           E8C        "93ACW" 
69-0272              QF4G       AAFP1042 'AF161' 
74-0117/FF  mlt      F15A       GIA   "1FW" 
75-0055/FF  mlt      F15A       GIA 
81-0022/FF  mlt      F15C       "1FW" 
88-1701/SJ  green    F15E       4WG 
86-0254/VA           F16C       "192FW" 
74-22376             UH1H       c/n 13700 
88-26030             UH60A      c/n 70.1240 
97-26778/MY          HH60G      c/n 70.2460  acc may 1998 
89-0210              AH64A      1/82 AVN/ Ft Bragg  [Death Stalkers] 
69-7073/EN           T38A 
LX-N90442            E3A        NATO/OTAN spec c/s 
N557NA               B757       Langley Research Center 
N535NA               UH1H       ex 65-9992 c/n 5036 
N54FN                Lj25 
12430                CH124      423sq   c/n 61.336 ??? 
114141               CT114      15WG Moose Jaw spec c/s , 1924-1999 marks 
188902               CF188B     425sq 

80-0229/FT  blue/wh  A10A       23FG 
82-0664/FT  blue/wh  A10A       23FG 
64-0498     gr/blue  C130E      43AW 
83-0010/FF  blue     F15C       1FW 
83-0017/FF  red      F15C       1FW 
83-0019/FF  yellow   F15C       1FW 
89-0502/SJ  green    F15E       4WG 
165175/AC303         FA18C      VFA37 
89-0217              AH64A      Ft. Bragg 
..-....              B2A                                Flying only 

Other side: 
(62-3)513/MO         KC135R     366WG 
+ the following F15's in the 2 rows all 'FF' 

Line 1:  012 bl, 013 rd, 020 bl, 033 rd, 036 rd, 308 bl 
Line 2:  004 bl, 010 yl, 017 yl, 022 yl, 023 bl, 023 yl, 025 yl, 026 yl, 
         031 bl, 035 yl, 037 bl, 040 yl, 050 bl + 1 more yl 

82-0047/FF  blue     F15C 
81-0032/FF           F15C       "94FS" 
+ 2 others 

83-0024/FF  blue     F15C 
+ 1 other one 

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