Date: 1 April 2007
Made by:
Static: 78-0630/MA A-10A 131st FS MA ANG 85-0003 C-5B 436th AW 83-0082 KC-10A 305th AMW 96-0006 C-17A 437th AW 84-0137 C-21A 458th AS 01-0028 C-37A 310th AS 90-0169 C-41A 427th SOS 90-0166 AC-130U 4th SOS 93-1096 LC-130H 139th AS 97-5304 WC-130J 53rd WRS AFRC 00-1934 EC-130J 193rd SOS PA ANG 59-1482, 63-8021 KC-135R 91st ARS 78-0490/EG F-15C 58th FS 79-0081/EG F-15C 60th FS 87-0206/SJ, 88-1704/SJ F-15E 334th FS 86-0318/FM F-16C 93rd FS 92-3906/SW F-16CJ 55th FS 94-0048/SW F-16CJ 77th FS 02-4028/TY F-22A 43rd FS 68-10358 MH-53J 20th SOS 93-0630/RA T-1A 99th FTS 68-8114/CB T-38C 50th FTS 73-1153/RA CT-43A 562nd FTS 02-0024 CV-22A 71st SOS 165304/AA-600 E-2C VAW-121 761576/AF-50 F-5E VFC-111 164886/ED-11 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-533 164959/ED-01 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-533 162493/MT-405 CH-53E HMH-772 158324/F-816 T-2C TW-6 159173/F-815 T-2C TW-6 165510/F-02 T-39N VT-86 6042 MH-60J CGAS Clearwater N43RF WP-3D Dept of Commerce N135BF EC135P2 NC17334 DC-3 Flagship Detroit Just a few units were actually noted, so most of the units mentioned above were looked up in our database.
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