Date: 12-14 October 2007
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Static: 155215 CT-155 NFTC 156124 CT-156 NFTC 188925 CF-188B 409sq 79-0148/BD A-10A 47th FS 61-0034/MT B-52H 23rd BS 04-4138 C-17A 729th AS 69-5829 HC-130N 550th SOS 60-0346 KC-135T 314th ARS 87-0173/MO F-15E 389th FS 87-0204/MO F-15E 389th FS 94-0148/CB T-1A 48th FTS 05-3804/XL T-6A 84th FTS ’84FTS’ 64-13240/BB T-38A 1st RS 64-13271/BB T-38A 1st RS 65-10429/BB T-38A 1st RS ‘9RW’ 68-8172/HO T-38A 7th CTS 68-8186/HO T-38A 7th CTS 69-7083/RA T-38C 560th FTS 162176/RW-21 C-2A VRC-30 163561 UC-12F Miramar 167110/QB KC-130J VMGR-352 157246/MF-08 F-4S preserved 162396/NH-300 F/A-18A VMFA-232 164049/SH-200 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 164975/NG-212 F/A-18C VMFA-323 165413/VK-01 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 165529/DT-04 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 166661/AC-200 F/A-18F VFA-32 166678/AC-211 F/A-18F VFA-32 164587/WR-705 AH-1W HMLA-775 158558/WR-741 UH-1N HMLA-775 156426/YT-14 CH-46E HMM(T)-164 157685/YW-10 CH-46E HMM-165 161385/MS-40 CH-53E HMH-769 162482/YJ-70 CH-53E HMH-465 160054/F-22 CT-39G VT-86 165389/WF-03 AV-8B VMA-513 142394 TH-13M preserved (53726)/54 TBM-3E preserved 6040 MH-60J San Diego 6504 HH-65C Los Angeles N432DF/71 S-2T CDF (ex 149268) N409DF/330 OV-10A CDF (ex 155401) 64 red MiG-21 cockpit only N4XW JetProvost T5A (ex XW435) N13YK Yak-52 as ’52 white’ NX28CQ T-28C ex 146254/2S-371 N28XC T-28C ex 140514/2S-744 N34TX (ex 55-0239) T-34A as ‘8796/AF-796’ N50DG L-29 as TD N93R C-40A (ex 38-0540) N107PJ CA-25 ex A85-429 N189AK Yak-18T as CCCP-81399 NX243DM T-28C as 140662/XE-18 N360PT CJ-6A as ‘B8’ N381C L-5 as ‘003381’ N443KT (ex 53/Bulgaria) L-29 as ’53 red’ N902BB TS-11 ex 0902/Poland N911J S11-1 ex E-11/KLu N1110R PT-13 as 19 N2207 Yak-52 as ’10 red’ N2805J (ex 43-16369) C-47A as ’43-770/EN’ N2833G C-45H ex 51-11602 N30801 TB-25N ex 44-30801 N3171G AT-6G ex (49-3300)/RG-00 N4171A TBM-3E ex (91521)/25 N5195N Stearman as 960 N7300C SNJ-5 ex 43763/6-49 N64685 CH-21B ex 54-4001 N92785 Alouette 2 (ex V-48/Swiss) NX99395 T-28A ex 49-1540/TL-540 The preserved aircraft are from the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum which is at the northern edge of the base. Static hangar (slightly open): 164272/VK-02 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 164652/VK-11 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 164653/DT-03 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 165528/DT-00 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 165530/VK-00 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 165685/DT-13 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 165686/DT-08 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 ....../VK-04 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 Static hangar (closed): 162431/NH-303 F/A-18A VMFA-232 162467/NH-306 F/A-18A VMFA-232 162893/NH-312 F/A-18A VMFA-232 162903/NH-314 F/A-18A VMFA-232 163447/SH-241 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 164022/SH-262 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 164670/VK-12 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 164709/SH-210 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 164875/NG-207 F/A-18C VMFA-323 165190/SH-201 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 Static hangar (closed): 162843/NH-307 F/A-18A VMFA-232 164051/SH-266 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 164724/WS-201 F/A-18C VMFA-323 164736/WS-205 F/A-18C VMFA-323 164877/NG-201 F/A-18C VMFA-323 ....../DT-07 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 Flight line Westside: 89-0483/SJ F-15E 335th FS 89-0485/SJ F-15E 333rd FS 88-0521/HL, 88-0533/HL F-16C 4th FS 85-0813/HO F-117A 9th FS 88-0843/HO F-117A 8th FS 85-01608 C-31A Golden Knights 165736/QB, 166513/QB KC-130J VMGR-352 166762/QB KC-130J VMGR-352 (163126)/34 F/A-18A stored, camo 164650/VK-14 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 164651/DT-01 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 164683/DT-06 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-242 164698/WS-202 F/A-18C VMFA-323 164734/WS-203 F/A-18C VMFA-323 164733/NG-204 F/A-18C VMFA-323 165527/VK-03 F/A-18D VMFA(AW)-121 166464/NJ-131 F/A-18F VFA-122 166790/NJ-135 F/A-18F VFA-122 158257/5Y-04 HH-1N Yuma 163869/CF-20 AV-8B VMA-211 164142/WF-23 AV-8B VMA-513 164154/WF-26 AV-8B VMA-513 164545/CF-23 AV-8B VMA-211 165423/WF-00 AV-8B VMA-513 N85JW RC1121 private NX117BR Lim-5 ex 1509/Poland NX224RD F8F-2 ex 121748/D-224 N1078Z F6F-5 private N2580 P-51D ex 44-22580/RF-K N5833 FM-2 as ‘Q-T’ 6x L-39C Patriots Demo team The F-117s have been moved around; -0813 was on the static on Friday and the -0843 on the flight line. During the weekend - 0813 was on the flight line and -0843 in a nearby hangar. CH-53 Line: CH-53Es of HMH-361: 161391/YN-01 162483/YN-03 164789/YN-04 163073/YN-05 163078/YN-06 16435./YN-07 164859/YN-08 164365/YN-09 164786/YN-10 164787/YN-11 The CH-53 were parked tightly together and behind the west side flight lines. The YN-07 is either 164358 or 164359. Parked behind this line were the F-16s of the Thunderbirds. Helicopter ramps (these ramps were ‘easy’ visible from the western car park): 162563/UV-58 AH-1W HMLA-267 165274/UV-73 AH-1W HMLA-267 165393/VT-42 AH-1W HMLA-367 159202/UV-30 UH-1N HMLA-267 160177/UV-42 UH-1N HMLA-267 160167/YX-31 UH-1N HMM-166 159205/YX-32 UH-1N HMM-166 157697/PF-10 CH-46E HMM-364 153975/PF-12 CH-46E HMM-364 157724/YR-15 CH-46E HMM-161 AH-1Ws of HMM-166: 160105/YX-41 162567/YX-42 163945/YX-43 165044/YX-44 CH-46Es of HMM-268: 154849/YQ-09 156471/YQ-13 153328/YQ-14 CH-46Es of HMM-165 157649/YW-01 154001/YW-06 153969/YW-07 153377/YW-10 156457/YW-12 157704/YW-12 154789/YW-14 (two times code YW-12 !) CH-46Es of HMM-166: 156421/YX-01 154857/YX-02 154831/YX-03 153956/YX-04 157691/YX-05 154850/YX-06 155303/YX-07 154039/YX-08 152574/YX-09 154792/YX-10 154845/YX-.. (could be coded YX-11) CH-46E with no marks: 157672/-- ....../12 CH-53Es of HMH-462: 161384/YF-20 ....../YF-22 ....../YF-23 ....../YF-24 ....../YF-25 ....../YF-29 164860/YF-30 162499/YF-32 ....../YF-33 CH-53Es of HMH-465: ....../YJ-51 164362/YJ-55 ....../YJ-56 161382/YJ-62 ....../YJ-65 162500/YJ-66 162524/YJ-67 ....../YJ-68 163081/YJ-69 CH-53Es of HMM-166: 161381/YX-2. 162006/YX-2. 164364/YX-27 161.../YX-.. The three codes for the HMM-166 CH-53s are YX-24, YX-25 and YX-26, tie-ups unknown. In a hangar in this area were: 154027/YW-03 CH-46E HMM-165 153346/YW-04 CH-46E HMM-165 153357/YW-14 CH-46E HMM-165 156473/YR-05 CH-46E HMM-161 153973/YR-14 CH-46E HMM-161 155311/YX-00 CH-46E HMM-166 154834/YX-11 CH-46E HMM-166 162502/Y(F)-27 CH-53E HMH-462 Ramp eastern side: 166512/QB, 166514/QB KC-130J VMGR-352 ....../NH-301 F/A-18A VMFA-232 ....../NH-305 F/A-18A VMFA-232 ....../NH-310 F/A-18A VMFA-232 ....../SH-11 F/A-18B VMFAT-101 camo ....../SH-34 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 ....../SH-37 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 ....../SH-215 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 ....../SH-225 F/A-18C VMFAT-101 ....../SH-241 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 ....../SH-270 F/A-18D VMFAT-101 On other side of runway: 149791/QB KC-130F std - F-4 std The air show at Miramar is held over three days of which the Friday was officially for military personnel, but it was no problem to get onto the base. The flying display is not good for photography as the sun is on the wrong side most of the time. The large numbers of helicopters were easy to see, but more difficult to log due to the way they were parked, folded tails, etc. Special thanks to Mark Forest for his report on this area.
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