Date: 11 July 1999
Made by: Ron van Dijk
Static: 90-0533 C-17A 97thAMW/58thAS com. 67-0170 C-5A 137thAS/105thAW/NY.ANG 81-0981/PA A-10A 103thFS/111thFW/PA.ANG 80-0196/PA A-10A 103thFS/111thFW/PA.ANG 6001 HH-60J USCG Cape Cod 63-8036 KC-135R 136thARS/107thARW/NY.ANG 92-3287 C-130H 328thAS/914thAW/NY.ANG 89-0501/SJ F-15E 336thFS/4thFW 89-0485/SJ F-15E 336thFS/4thFW 77-0106 F-15A 101thFS/102ndFW/MA.ANG 163649/B-249 T-45A TW2 165071/B-271 T-45A TW2 95-0066/XL T-1A 86thFTS/47thFTW 158033/NJ-566 EA-6B VAQ129 163046/NJ-532 EA-6B VAQ129 160638/E-638 T-34C TAW5 59-0375/XL T-37B 85thFTS/47thFTW Flightline: 85-0071/GA B-1B 128thBS/116thBW/GA.ANG ....../AD-130 F-14 VF101 ....../AD-123 F-14 VF101 ..-..../FF F-15C bl/1FW 83-0019/FF F-15C 27thFS/1FW 7x F-16C Thunderbirds 1x F-16D Thunderbirds 164658/NK-303 FA-18C VFA113 164682/NK-310 FA-18C VFA113 Elsewere: C-130H 328thAS/914thAW/NY ANG: 92-2382, 92-3285, 92-3286 KC-135R 136thARS/914thAW/NY ANG: 59-1466, 59-1522, 63-7981, 63-8872 58-0023 KC-135R NM 65-0267 C-141B 62thAW 85-1608 C-31A Golden Knights
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