Date: .. September 1982
Made by:
Static: 70-1025 A-7D 127TFW/107TFS MI ANG Selfridge 72-0211/OH A-7D 121TFW/166TFS OH ANG Rickenbacker 72-0226 A-7D 192TFG/149TFS VA ANG Byrd Field 78-0652/NY A-10A 174TFW/138TFS NY ANG Syracuse 79-0108/CT A-10A 103TFG/118TFS CT ANG Bradley 58-0210 B-52G 2BW Barksdale AFB 69-0026 C-5A 436MAW Dover AFB 62-1807 C-130E 439TAW/337TAS Westover AFB 63-7423/HF F-4C 181TFG/113TFS IN ANG Terre Haute 63-7557 F-4C 107TFG/136TFS NY ANG Niagara Falls 64-1063 RF-4C 123TRW/165TRS KY ANG Louisville 65-0868 RF-4C 155TRG/173TRS NB ANG Lincoln 66-7677/DC F-4D 113TFW/121TFS DC ANG Washington 57-2466 F-106A 102FIW/101FIS MA ANG Otis ANGB 67-7192 FB-111A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 68-0284 FB-111A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 68-0289 FB-111A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 68-0278* FB-111A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 68-0281* FB-111A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 56-3633* KC-135A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 60-0341 KC-135A 380BW Plattsburg AFB 59-0366 T-37B "ACE" 133266 CT-133 Canada 140111/111 CP-140 Canada 12189 CP-121 Canada 65?-12743 UH-1H US Army And the Snowbirds with their CT-144s: 114178/1, 114030/2, 114114/3, 114177/4, 114163/5, 114049/6, 114115/7, 114036/8, 114043/9, 114129/10, 114055/11 * Aircraft Flying Displays
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