Date: 29/30 September 2007
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Learning of the intention by the organizers of the previous 1999 Gathering of Mustangs & Legends in Kissimmee (FL) to try to organize the event one more time, two Scramble editors living 7700 kilometers apart set their mind on attending the event. Many thousands of spectators from across the globe descended on Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus (OH) for the Gathering of Mustangs & Legends. Beautiful weather, non-stop action and an incredible array of aircraft and performers, led by the P-51 Mustang, combined to produce an exceptional air show. The event took place 27 till 30 September 2007 with the first day slated as arrival day and Friday as practice day. Unfortunately three crashes this year and a large bad weather system across the USA in the days before the weekend kept the total number of Mustangs under the ambitious total of over 100. We managed to count 77,5. The last half is an XP-51G restoration project partially complete. After the list of all the Mustangs a more conventional show report and more information can be found. Registration Markings worn Name Type Serial Last non-US Serial Flying Owner CF-IKE 473210/WD-B Miracle Maker P-51D 44-73210 - Ike Enns G-CBNM 463864/HL-W Twilight Tear P-51D 44-63864 Israel 3506 Stephen Grey N10607 - Barbara Jean P-51D 44-74466 Canada 9227 Harry Barr N1204 72 INA The Macon Belle P-51C 42-103831 - * Kermit Weeks N1451D 11 Checkertail Clan P-51D 44-74446 Canada 9223 Nathan Davis N151D 472777/44 Sparky P-51D Cav. 44-72777 Indonesia F-344 Steve Seghetti N151DM 472308/A-WD Ridge Runner III P-51D 44-72483 El Salvador 411 * w Dan Martin N151FT JR-B Lady B P-51D 44-74506 Canada 9231 Fred Telling N151HR 474524/YF-M Dakota Kid II P-51D 44-74524 - Hank Reichert N151KW 414906/PE-P Cripes A’Mighty P-51D 44-74813 Canada 9261 51 Alpine Aviation N151MC 415459/B-HL American Beauty Cavalier Mk2 67-22581 Bolivia 523 John O’Connor N151TP 473543/P-HO Sweetie Face P-51D 44-73543 Indonesia F-3.. * Tom Patten N151W 4511540/R-PE Excalibur P-51D 45-11540 - * f22 Jim Read N201F JJ-D Dusty’s Dolly P-51D 44-84933 - Harry Barr N20TF DF-X - Cavalier T2 67-14866 Bolivia 521 51 Chino Warbirds N2151D 414237/HO-W Moonbeam McSwine P-51D 44-73656 El Salvador 406 51 * f16 F Vlado Lenoch N251MX 210651/CM-M Betty Jane TP-51C 42-103293 - 51 Max Chapman N2869D 484390/B-3E Section Eight P-51D 44-84390 - * Doug Driscoll N314BG 414151/HO-M Petie 2nd P-51D 44-73140 Canada 9567 L&L N327DB 484860 Lady Jo TF-51D 44-84860 Indonesia F-3.. * Darryl Bond N3333E 414888/B6-Y Glamorous Glen III P-51D 44-63893 Canada 9560 * Huff Air N334FS 473108/QP-O Red Dog XII P-51D Cav. 44-72907 Guatemala 357 * w Duane Doyle N351BD 472218/WZ-I Big Beautiful Doll P-51D 44-84634 Nicaragua GN-96 * Mike Henningsen N351DM 415326/H-QP Sizzlin’ Liz P-51D Cav. 44-74458 Canada 9226 * 51 Dave Marco N351DT 413806/LL Crazy Horse 2 TF-51D 44-74502 Canada 9232 51 2 Lee Lauderback N351MX 474391/MX-I February P-51D Cav. 44-74391 Guatemala 351 * Chris Woods N3751D 413586/T-C5 Hurry Home Honey P-51D Cav. 44-73206 - 51 Joe Richardson N4034S - - P-51D 44-63389 - * John Anderson N41749 413837/CY-M Miss Marilyn II P-51D 44-63663 Guatemala 354 51 Chris Goldsbury N451D 414790/HO-O Sweet and Lovely P-51D Cav. 44-73260 Indonesia F-360 Bob Baker N451MG 414450/B6-S Old Crow P-51D 44-74474 Canada 9270 Jim Hagedorn N487FS 325147/HO-W Princess Elizabeth P-51C 43-25147 - 51 2 f22 Jim Beasley N50FS 474839/TF-839 La Pistolera CA-18 Mk22 A68-187 Australia A68-187 Rod Lewis N51AB 413500/N-HL Flying Dutchman CA-18 Mk21 A68-100 Australia A68-100 Steve Craig N51BS 484786/K-5M Lil’ Margaret F-6D 44-84786 - Butch Schroeder N51DL - - P-51D 44-13257 - Lindair N51DT 414812/HO-T Slender Tender & Tall P-51D 44-74950 - Tom Blair N51EA 463684/BS-X Double Trouble Two P-51D 44-63507 Canada 9554 51 Jerry Yagen N51HY - Quick Silver P-51D 45-11439 - Bill Yoak N51KB R-LF Ain’t Misbehavin’ P-51D 44-74009 Canada 9275 51 Mustang Pilots N51MV 00 Luscious Lisa P-51D 45-11391 - * Todd Stuart N51MX 511559/A-MX Mad Max P-51D Cav. 45-11559 El Salvador 401 Max Chapman N51PE 413551/K-FT Little Horse P-51D 45-11586 - * Paul Ehlen N51PT 472145/M-HO Petie 3rd P-51D 44-72145 - Jeff Pryor N51RH 47 Ole Yeller P-51D 44-74739 Canada 9297 51 John Bagley N51VF 472934/VF-T Shangrila P-51D 45-11553 - * f15 Charles Osborne N51YZ NACA 127 NACA 127 TF-51D 44-84900 - Bill Allmon N51Z 36006 Polar Bear P-51A 43-6006 - Jerry Gabe N51ZM 511471/PI-J DiamondBack P-51D 45-11471 - 51 Mark Peterson N5284V CY-U Gunfighter P-51D 44-73264 - 51 Comm. Air Force N5427V 414151/HO-M Petie 2nd P-51D 44-74942 - * Tony Buechler N5500S 414320/E2-B Geraldine P-51D 44-63655 Nicaragua GN-84 * Chuck Greenhill N551J 474937/B6-P Gentleman Jim P-51D Cav. 44-74230 - * w Jack Roush N551TM 474832/VF-H Boomer P-51D 45-11453 Bolivia 511 * Tim McPherson N551VC 5 Voodoo P-51D 44-73415 Canada 9289 Bob Button N551W CY-G The Millie G P-51D 44-14985 - * Trent Latshaw N55JL 9 Cloud Dancer P-51D 44-15651 - Dirk Leeward N6168C 473704/FF-704 FF-704 P-51D 44-73704 - * Lewis Shaw N6306T HI-G Hi G P-51D 44-74878 Canada 9259 Tom Wood N6320T 474497/H-SX Little Witch TF-51D 44-74497 Canada 9230 Bob Jepson N63476 9274 City of Winnipeg P-51D 44-63476 Uruguay 252 Bob May N64824 474389/F-B6 Speedball Alice CA-18 Mk23 A68-175 Australia A68-175 Dan Vance N651JM 474976/MR-J Obsession P-51D 44-74976 Indonesia F-311 51 Jeff Michael N68JR 422051/QP-F Sweet Revenge P-51D Cav. 44-72051 Dominican Rep 1912 Ron Fagen N6WJ 88 Precious Metal P-51D 44-73518 - Ron Buccarelli N751RB 413903WD-L Glamorous Gal P-51D Cav. 44-74453 Canada 9597 Leestown Avn N7715C 413334/U-G4 Wee Willy II P-51D 44-84961 - Steve Hinton N7722C 473420 - P-51D 44-73420 - Jack Croul N7751T 472438/PZ-H Hell-er Bust P-51D 44-72438 Dominican Rep 1920 51 * f22 John Sessions N7TF 463864/BS-X Double Trouble Two P-51D 44-73856 - * f15 Tom Friedkin N83KD 484410/O-LH Cincinnati Miss P-51D 44-13016 Australia A68-674 David O’Maley N851D 484745/LL Crazy Horse TF-51D Cav. 44-84745 - 51 * Lee Lauderback N921 413321/HO-P Cripes A’Mighty 3rd P-51D 45-11507 New Zealand NZ2417 * Weeks Air Mus N93TF 472922/W-L2 Scat VII TF-51D 44-72922 - * Flight Mngt N951M 473287/D7-J Worry Bird P-51D 44-73287 - Mike George XB-HVL 472934/VF-T Shangrila P-51D 44-73435 Canada 9290 H. Lobo de la Garza (main parts) - Margie Hart XP-51G 43-43335 - John Morgan 51 = the '51' Mustang formation on Saturday (we counted seventeen Mustangs from photos so we missed three) * = flying saturday and/or Sunday 2 = two-ship demo Crazy Horse2 en Princess Elizabeth f16= Heritage formation with F-16 on Saturday (1) f15= Heritage formation with F-15 on Saturday (2) f22= Heritage formation with F-22 on Saturday (3) w = part of warbirds with Pyro Techinical Display F = Heritage formation with F-15, F-16 and F-22 on Sunday (1) The rest of the show report is based on sightings on 29 and 30 September. Only static aircraft and aircraft with a possible military background are included as other aprons around the large airfield, numerous bizjets, bizprops and freighters not part of the show were not read off. A * symbol means flying both days, or Sat * of Sun *. An entry with a w was a participant of the Pyro Technical Display. Static/flying: 78-0682/MD A-10A 104th FS MD ANG 80-0265/BC A-10A 172nd FS MI ANG 61-0035/MT B-52H 23rd BS 70-0461 C-5A 89th AS AFRC 03-3116 C-17A 183rd AS MS ANG 90-1797 C-130H 164th AS OH ANG 64-14840 KC-135R 121st ARW OH ANG 87-0268/OH F-16C 162nd FS OH ANG 98-3541/CB T-6A "14th OG" c/n PT-45 C-GVRA "KB726/VR-A" Lancaster XMR ex Canada FM213 w N1042B "29710" VB-25N ex 44-30823 w N117MK BK117B2 Chase Equipment N151TD Titan T-51 (Mustang replica) N163FS P-63C ex 42-69021 w N17630 P-38F ex 41-7630 N271TS, N493MS Cirrus SR22 Cirrus N3193G B-17G ex 44-85829 w N33VW "320401" C-47A ex 43-15935 N354CP Ce182T USAF Civil Air Patrol N3703G "124485" B-17G ex 44-83546 * N4436J "33" P-40K ex 42-9733 w N60DJ "A-I-101" Harvard 4 ex Canada 20473 N647D "490438/44" P-47D ex Yugo 13021 w N740RB "11456" P-40E ex Canada 1051 N751TX Titan T-51 (Mustang replica) N79123 P-38L ex 44-27231 w N818JB Waco YMF-F5C private N898BW B-25N ex 45-8898 w N9246B "490460/40" P-47D ex Brazil 4175 w Flightlines/flying: 06-1437 C-130J-30 143rd AS RI ANG 51 82-0021/EG F-15C 58th FS * 79-0012/EG F-15D 58th FS 91-0348/SW F-16CJ 77th FS Sun * 94-0048/SW F-16CJ 77th FS Sat * 05-4085/FF F-22A 94th FS Sun * 05-4094/FF F-22A "94th FS" Sat * N12MG Beech 400A Scotts MG Sun * N606MG/"97-0231/MG" Ce525 Hagedorn Avn 51 Flying only: 93-1085/WM B-2A 13th BS Sat * Aeroshell Team: N3267G/1 SNJ-5 ex Bu51971 * N791MH/2 T-6G ex France 114791 * N7462C/3 AT-6F ex 44-82489 * N991GM/5 AT-6D ex Mexico 781 * Red Baron Pizza Squadron: N801RB PT-17 ex 42-16525 * N802RB N2S-3 ex BuNo 05277 * N806RB PT-17 ex 42-15811 * N808RB PT-13D ex 42-16891 * ADS Thunderbirds with F-16C/D(#)s: 86-0039 #, 86-0041 #, 86-0281, 87-0313, 87-0319, 87-0323, 87-0325 and 87-0331 Ohio ANG Apron: 73-0999/OH A-7D preserved 55-2884/OH F-100D preserved 57-1493 KC-135R 97th AMW AETC 60-0351 KC-135R 912th ARS 63-8004 KC-135R 127th ARS KS ANG 59-1444, 59-1483 KC-135R 121st ARW OH ANG 60-0341, 63-8013 KC-135R 121st ARW OH ANG 58-0072 KC-135T 171st ARW PA ANG OH ARNG Apron: 70-16104 AH-1S preserved 79-23272, 79-23298 UH-60A 1-137th AVN OH NG 79-23346, 80-23444 UH-60A 1-137th AVN OH NG 80-23487, 81-23547 UH-60A 1-137th AVN OH NG 82-23677, 85-24391 UH-60A 1-137th AVN OH NG 88-26046, 88-26078 UH-60A 1-137th AVN OH NG Fedex area/flying: N6G "TA-349" T-6G ex Spain dep Sat N5632V "28218/TH-ANG" T-6G ex 52-8218 dep Sun N49739 "739" PT-17 ex 42-16299 * Elsewhere: N61EV CH-3E ex 65-12791 N105CA C-47A ex 43-48459 N130SA C-130A ex 55-0008 N156PA CV-240 stored N307SA C-130E ex 61-2365 N9166F +1 H369HS DC Eng & Devt * N73104 CV-340 stored The USAF Thunderbirds serials were not checked but have been lifted from other reports this year. Various other spectacular demonstrations of Patty Wagstaff, Michael Goulian, Ed Hamill, and John Mohr in aerobatic aircraft have not been noted. As said before, the weather was perfect for the entire event, and crowds of thousands gathered early to wait the gate’s opening each morning at 8 AM. 77 Mustangs, plus other fighter and bomber aircraft from the era, and 51 "Legends" were in atten-dance, including several original members of the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous all-black fighter squadron who flew Mus-tangs on bomber escort missions during the war. A spectacular part of the show on both afternoons was the Pyro Technical Display in which several bomber- and fighterwar- birds circled the airfield in mock attacks as large explosions and smoke from across the runway drifted in front of everybody’s camera lenses. The flight display on both weekend days were concluded with a formation of twenty Mustangs in formation spelling the number "51" as a tribute to the P-51. An USAF Hercules and a Bizjet launched to assist as camera ship and safety ship. Although it was not precision flying it was a marvelous sight to behold. Let alone the launch in small formations of the twenty plus one spare Mustangs. A photo of the formation from behind can be seen at the end of the article. For more information and more photos on the The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends, the final roundup, check:
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