Search found 6 matches

by peteweston
22 Feb 2019, 16:19
Forum: Spotting Eire & UK
Topic: Sheffield Flypast 22 Feb 19
Replies: 2
Views: 1237

Sheffield Flypast 22 Feb 19

Hi. This morning a flypast took place over Sheffield UK in honour of the crew members of a USAAF B17 that crashed 75 years ago. The flypast consisted of both RAF and USAF aircraft. Does anyone know their serials? Regards Pete.
by peteweston
09 Jan 2013, 20:11
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Patrick AFB FL
Replies: 0
Views: 800

Patrick AFB FL

I did a drive by of Patrick AFB in Florida on 24 Dec 12 and noted the following parked up:

64-14864 HC-130P
69-5824 HC-130N
64-14855 HC-130P
65-0976 HC-130P
65-0970 HC-130P
N2290J C-27A Dept of State
N23743 C-27A Dept of State

by peteweston
09 Jan 2013, 20:04
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL
Replies: 3
Views: 1346

Hueys Stored at Melbourne Airport FL

Hi I visited Melbourne FL at Christmas and managed to see the Hueys stored there. I only managed to get two of the serials: 70-15832 and 70-16240. Can any kind soul help with the remainder? There was a list published in Scramble Issue 395 but that was as at Feb 12 and aircraft could have changed sin...
by peteweston
18 Jan 2012, 20:03
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Casa 212 Parked at Palma Airport
Replies: 0
Views: 665

Casa 212 Parked at Palma Airport

Hi All
Can anyone help with the serial of the Casa 212 that looks as if it has been stored to the right of the military apron at Palma Airport? I saw it there in July last year when I was returning to UK.
Many thanks
by peteweston
17 Sep 2011, 00:15
Forum: Spotting Eire & UK
Topic: REQ.: RCH373 OTT UK 15Sept.
Replies: 2
Views: 1246

Re: REQ.: RCH373 OTT UK 15Sept.

Many thanks for the info, James.

by peteweston
15 Sep 2011, 20:19
Forum: Spotting Eire & UK
Topic: REQ.: RCH373 OTT UK 15Sept.
Replies: 2
Views: 1246

REQ.: RCH373 OTT UK 15Sept.

As I'm new to this site, so my apologies in advance if I'm posting this in the wrong section. Can anyone help with the identity of RCH373, today 15 Sep? I tracked it this evening flying east to Manchester before turning SE towards East Anglia. I could see it was a C-130 but I've been unable to find ...