Search found 11 matches

by Dutch Miller
22 Dec 2018, 14:43
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Mi2 2126 in NMM
Replies: 7
Views: 2311

Re: Mi2 2126 in NMM

Alpha Kilo One wrote:Too big? Not the right extension? Length and width have to be right?

Picture reduced to 1500 x 1125 pix, 502Kb, .jpg.
Must do.
by Dutch Miller
22 Dec 2018, 11:48
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Mi2 2126 in NMM
Replies: 7
Views: 2311

Re: Mi2 2126 in NMM

Arjenp wrote:
Dutch Miller wrote:And a picture:
There is no photo unfortunately :wink:
Sorry, have some trouble posting the picture; don't know what I do wrong.
Any advise?
by Dutch Miller
22 Dec 2018, 10:30
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Mi2 2126 in NMM
Replies: 7
Views: 2311

Re: Mi2 2126 in NMM

And a picture:
by Dutch Miller
21 Dec 2018, 17:51
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Mi2 2126 in NMM
Replies: 7
Views: 2311

Mi2 2126 in NMM

Last Monday, 17th of December, a former Polish Air Force Mi-2T, '2126' is exposed in the National Military Museum for the coming 'Cold War' exhibition, that will be opened in February. The Mi-2 is owned by the Brussels Air Museum and was in storage in Vissenaken. The same day the Westland SH-14D '28...
by Dutch Miller
23 May 2018, 21:41
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Nat. Militair Museum, 23-5-2018
Replies: 7
Views: 4106

Re: Nat. Militair Museum, 23-5-2018

Brequet SP-13A Atlantic must be '250' of course, so not '251'.
Dutch Miller
by Dutch Miller
23 May 2018, 21:35
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Nat. Militair Museum, 23-5-2018
Replies: 7
Views: 4106

Nat. Militair Museum, 23-5-2018

The Lockheed SP-2H Neptune 201 and the Brequet SP-13A Atlantic '251' have been towed from the awning to the platform. Take your pictures now without obstacles! This movement is temporarily, because the room underneath the awning has to be used for performances of the opera 'Thijl', from 30th of June...
by Dutch Miller
08 May 2017, 16:22
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Dornier flying boat officially donated to Soesterberg museum
Replies: 4
Views: 1886

Re: Dornier flying boat officially donated to Soesterberg mu

Die 'cut-away' Neptune (218V) bevindt zich momenteel in het depot; betreft slechts het voorste deel van de romp. Aan bakboordskant is de rompbeplating vervangen door plexiglas.
by Dutch Miller
19 Nov 2013, 13:31
Forum: Den Helder-De Kooy
Topic: Den Helder 29-10-13, helo-ship connection
Replies: 7
Views: 2126

Den Helder 29-10-13, helo-ship connection

Hi, All,
Some days ago I saw at Den Helder a Coast Guard helo (G-OBAP?) connected to a vessel: any idea what they were practising?
(excuses for the poor picture: used all my then available millimeters...)

by Dutch Miller
27 Sep 2013, 19:45
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: EHRD 27-09-2013 MIL
Replies: 0
Views: 304

EHRD 27-09-2013 MIL

When it arrived...

by Dutch Miller
08 Apr 2013, 20:32
Forum: Vintage, warbirds and wrecks & relics
Topic: Opendepot dagen Soesterberg 6 aprill
Replies: 11
Views: 4419

Re: Opendepot dagen Soesterberg 6 aprill

Hi, All, Rumours were, the depot-hangar would not be open at all! Afterwards the person responsible for the collection decided to open the hangar and put some rails in it so visitors could have a small glance at the stored aircraft anyway. Once there, the guiding staff organized tours for small grou...
by Dutch Miller
14 Jul 2012, 13:51
Forum: Spotting Eire & UK
Topic: Brize Norton (EGVN/BZZ) 2012 MIL
Replies: 43
Views: 14343

Re: Brize Norton (EGVN/BZZ) 2012 MIL

8 July, arriving Hawks Brize Norton:

ZK018, XX346/CH, XX339/CK, XX203/CC, XX330/330, XX261 (Royal Navy, special tail c/s), XX337 (Royal Navy, special tail c/s), XX184/CQ
