Search found 75 matches

by Mol
25 Sep 2017, 12:43
Forum: Messages from & to Scramble
Topic: Airshow dates 2018?
Replies: 1
Views: 2548

Airshow dates 2018?

Hi guys,

No offence; can we see a major update on the (European) airshow dates section for 2018?

Not a lot of data in for next year, while othe sources already mention quite some shows.

by Mol
02 Jan 2017, 20:12
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: June 2017 Tactical Weapons Meet at Florennes
Replies: 0
Views: 3291

June 2017 Tactical Weapons Meet at Florennes

According to ... 1679808964

June 2017 Tactical Weapons Meet at Florennes. Some websites also mention a spottersday second week of June. ( ... =20&t=5144)
by Mol
14 Nov 2016, 21:09
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: Black blade - Florennes 14 - 30 November
Replies: 0
Views: 2644

Black blade - Florennes 14 - 30 November

From 14 - 30 November exercise Black Blade will be held out of Florennes. Participating nations: Belgium, Slovenia, Austria & Italy 14 Helicopters in total. Exercise BLACK BLADE 2016 (BB16) is the 10th Multinational Helicopter Exercise of the HEP. The exercise BB16 is scheduled to be held in the...
by Mol
25 Sep 2016, 15:43
Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
Topic: EXP: EXERCISE AUTUMN FALCON 2016 (26-9 t/m 7-10-2016)
Replies: 20
Views: 9718

Re: EXP: EXERCISE AUTUMN FALCON 2016 (26-9 t/m 7-10-2016)

Following NOTAMs could have something to do with this exercise. Midden Zeeland AD CLSD DUE TO MILITARY EXERCISES. SEP 27 0700-1800, 30 0700-1200, 27 SEP 07:00 2016 UNTIL 30 SEP 12:00 2016. CREATED: 23 SEP 09:22 2016 M2162/16 - CARGO DELIVERY SYSTEM DROP WILL TAKE PLACE AT EHMZ PSN 513059N0034340E BT...
by Mol
16 May 2016, 10:48
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Scramble Aviation Day 2015 – 12 December 2015 – Amersfoort
Replies: 38
Views: 12883

Re: Scramble Aviation Day 2015 – 12 December 2015 – Amersfoo

Hoi Ron,

Kunnen we de quiz nog on-line verwachten op korte termijn? Even goede vrienden als het niet lukt om welke reden dan ook maar dan hoor ik het ook graag. Daar naast wel zo netjes om het te vermelden aangezien jullie ook de verwachting scheppen om de quiz online te plaatsen.

by Mol
21 Mar 2016, 17:05
Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
Topic: EHRD 21-03-2016 MIL
Replies: 22
Views: 6014

Re: EHRD 21-03-2016 MIL

Nilson wrote:Meer meer meer :-)!

:M-): :agree:
by Mol
11 Feb 2016, 10:38
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: Scramble Aviation Day 2015 – 12 December 2015 – Amersfoort
Replies: 38
Views: 12883

NSK 2015 online?


Can not find the original topic any more, but any news about putting the NSK 2015 (and older ones :-) )online?

by Mol
27 Jan 2016, 12:57
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: UK based exercises week 4 & 5
Replies: 0
Views: 1900

UK based exercises week 4 & 5 ... n_16-O.pdf

Most likely the four Norwegian Bell 412s and two Swiss Cougars are in the UK for exercise Virgo.
by Mol
24 Jan 2016, 13:39
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 24-01-2016 MIL
Replies: 11
Views: 4761

Re: EHAM 24-01-2016 MIL

Most likely related to "Op 25 en 26 januari 2016 vindt de informele Raad Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken (JBZ-Raad) plaats. Ministers van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken van EU-lidstaten komen dan samen in het Europagebouw in Amsterdam. Daar bespreken zij de Europese samenwerking op het gebied va...
by Mol
21 Jan 2016, 14:26
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Airshow Meiringen?
Replies: 5
Views: 3692

Re: Airshow Meiringen?

In this excellent post I noticed that something will happen at Meiringen on June 17th and 18th, related to the 75th anniversary of the air base. My first guess would be an airshow, but could someone confirm this? Merci Patrick. It's a pity th...
by Mol
20 Jan 2016, 21:24
Forum: Scramble Intelligence Service
Topic: Flying Schedule 2016 Swiss AF bases
Replies: 0
Views: 1909

Flying Schedule 2016 Swiss AF bases

Meiringen: Emmen