Search found 51 matches

by Executive club
30 Sep 2017, 10:12
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 01-10-2017
Replies: 22
Views: 5899

Re: EHAM 01-10-2017

Also the last day of Onurair..
STA 1355 STD 1455 A321 TC-ONS
They say that they wil come back next summer season..
by Executive club
13 Sep 2017, 16:18
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: NEWS - Winter Schedule 2017/2018
Replies: 40
Views: 23828

Re: NEWS - Winter Schedule 2017/2018

In de wandelgangen gehoord dat Onurair vanaf 1 okt deze winter niet zal vliegen op AMS.
by Executive club
05 Jun 2017, 23:32
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 05-06-2017 MIL (V-11)
Replies: 2
Views: 840

Re: EHAM 05-06-2017 MIL (V-11)

Kwam prinses Beatrix brengen..
by Executive club
27 Feb 2017, 17:56
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: Kisten die terugkeren naar Schiphol, incidenten, enz.
Replies: 2398
Views: 619234

Re: Kisten die terugkeren naar Schiphol, incidenten, enz.

pvl wrote:There was a small fire around the Emirates 777 on the Romeo apron, anyone have any info about what's happened?
There was no fire only smoke coming off a equipment because a oil pipe broke down and oil coming on the engine..
by Executive club
23 Feb 2017, 18:15
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 23-02-2017
Replies: 34
Views: 9954

Re: EHAM 23-02-2017

KL1330 PH-EXJ voor de tweede keer Go around..

En TK6309 TC-JOY breekt zijn landing af..
by Executive club
23 Feb 2017, 17:41
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 23-02-2017
Replies: 34
Views: 9954

Re: EHAM 23-02-2017

Het lijkt erop dat KL1874 PH-EZI weer terug gaat naar Stuttgart.. Is voor Zwolle omgekeerd..
by Executive club
23 Feb 2017, 17:33
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 23-02-2017
Replies: 34
Views: 9954

Re: EHAM 23-02-2017

SU2694 VP-BAE div naar BRU
by Executive club
02 Oct 2016, 15:29
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 02-10-2016
Replies: 30
Views: 6673

Re: EHAM 02-10-2016

TP662/1 wordt vanvond uitgevoerd door een A332 CS-TOO op D07
by Executive club
17 Sep 2016, 17:36
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 18-09-2016
Replies: 12
Views: 3180

EHAM 18-09-2016

LY337/8 wordt uitgevoerd door CS-TFX A340-500 van HI-Fly.
Gate G06 A 1010 D 1135.
by Executive club
30 Aug 2016, 12:36
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 30-08-2016
Replies: 26
Views: 6837

Re: EHAM 30-08-2016

BA2762/3 komt met een B777-200 G-VIIY
by Executive club
26 Jul 2016, 15:25
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 26-07-2016
Replies: 20
Views: 5362

Re: EHAM 26-07-2016

T7 wrote:
redcan wrote:Hiya,

Not sure but might be a f/v. Strange routing also

1455 BA 9770E WAW D95 GLCYX

It was on pre-delivery maintenance in WAW. Now expected 1535lt.
And he is here also for maintenance.. it wil be towed later to hangar 73..
by Executive club
24 Jun 2016, 14:23
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 24-06-2016 CIV
Replies: 17
Views: 5191

Re: EHAM 24-06-2016 CIV

Optimus wrote:Gents,

While on the motorway A5 around 0845, I noticed an ERJ135 parked at either Y72 or Y73. Does anyone have an ID?

Thanks a lot!

OE-GAS Gulfstream150, flightnumber IJM....
Was on Y-platform but that was around 1330..
Maybe the same..?
by Executive club
23 Jun 2016, 07:06
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 23-06-2016
Replies: 21
Views: 6242

Re: EHAM 23-06-2016

PY3004 11:25 G04 A343 9H-SUN

Hulp voor de SLM want hun vliegtuig staat nog in BRU...
by Executive club
28 Apr 2016, 19:35
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 29-04-2016
Replies: 30
Views: 6078

Re: EHAM 29-04-2016

RudiMD11 wrote:N176CA B757 NATIONAL AL,CMB 0537, SFB-AMS-PDV

Volgens eerdere berichten {subject: EHAM 27-04-2106} zou deze vandaag (29/4) gaan vertrekken.
Iemand vertrektijd?
Als het goed is om 1100..
by Executive club
27 Apr 2016, 01:05
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 27-04-2106
Replies: 15
Views: 4260

Re: EHAM 27-04-2106

Arjenp wrote:
YS11 wrote:0900-1100 N176CA B757 NATIONAL AL,CMB 0537, SFB-AMS-PDV
Parking R72
Gaat vandaag niet weg, Blijft staan tot vrijdag 29-04..