MOV/LOG SOUDA/LGSA 17/4 & all times z
Arr 0853 "GRZZLY36" Dhc-8 N8200L
Arr. 1424 "MAZDA 21" x ?? (looked like x 3 Info please) was very murky
Arr. 1435 "GOLD 65" Kc-10a 82-0191
Search found 24 matches
- 18 Apr 2018, 10:34
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
- 18 Apr 2018, 10:27
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Tks. yes my fault, getting OLD !!! it was 16801
- 17 Apr 2018, 08:00
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Log for LGSA/SOUDA ??? Do I use "POST REPLY" or "NEW TOPIC"
- Replies: 1
- Views: 847
- 17 Apr 2018, 07:51
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Need help ref. how to log flights -Mil at LGSA/Souda, without me being next to my PC. please ?? and then I can give a report to here. Log for Fri. 13th and all times Z Dep 0850 "AXIS41" Ec-130h 73-1585 Arr 0929 "FALCN30" C-21a 84-0096 Dep 1200 Arr 0952 "CNV547" C-40a 16...
- 17 Apr 2018, 00:03
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
So sorry, I did not log the Fa-10 as I was just going out, and I didn't see it either. DHC6 was "GRIZZLY 46" N8200R And I should imagine the F-16's were Greek and very difficult to read off etc. Regards sorry If you are here for a while contact me direct please,as it would be GREAT to meet...
- 14 Apr 2018, 08:21
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
1 x Kc135 diverted to Athens and a "QID" Kc-10 just landed + a Rc-135 next to land
- 13 Apr 2018, 17:26
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
When did they leave here (LGSA) as heard nothing today unless they used UHF (but don't normally)
- 13 Apr 2018, 16:34
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
where were the "Tabors" going from & to ? please
- 13 Apr 2018, 11:40
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Yes saw it yesterday, so will go & see in the next few days
- 13 Apr 2018, 10:18
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
The "GRZLY46" is N8200R which I believe cam from US recently via Mildenhall ?
And Tks for the info
And Tks for the info
- 13 Apr 2018, 00:27
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: TABOR 55
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1613
Re: TABOR 55
Thanks Mutly
On ground still at Souda/LGSA are 3 x Kc-10's + 3 x Kc-135's + 2 x "SJ's"
On ground still at Souda/LGSA are 3 x Kc-10's + 3 x Kc-135's + 2 x "SJ's"
- 11 Apr 2018, 17:19
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Log: Souda/LGSA for today 11/4
Arrivals 1500z "QUID283" Kc-135r 63-8871 + 1508z "QUID284" Kc-135r 60-0333
But I'm informed there are 2 x "SJ" F-15's there
Arrivals 1500z "QUID283" Kc-135r 63-8871 + 1508z "QUID284" Kc-135r 60-0333
But I'm informed there are 2 x "SJ" F-15's there
- 11 Apr 2018, 15:59
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Log LGSA 11/04/18
1000z "FNY5660" Fa-10" 13 training with an oversoot
1124z "GOLD98" Kc-10 86-0022 arrive
1326z "GOLD65" Kc-10 82-0191 arrived
1333z "GOLD55" Kc-10 86-0036 arrived
No sign of fighters
1000z "FNY5660" Fa-10" 13 training with an oversoot
1124z "GOLD98" Kc-10 86-0022 arrive
1326z "GOLD65" Kc-10 82-0191 arrived
1333z "GOLD55" Kc-10 86-0036 arrived
No sign of fighters
- 10 Apr 2018, 19:22
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: TABOR 55
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1613
This took off from Souda Bay/LGSA yesterday 9th Apr. Poss F-15 or F-18 ???
- 06 Apr 2018, 12:26
- Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
- Topic: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
- Replies: 122
- Views: 36383
Re: Chania (Souda Bay) LGSA/CHQ 2018 MIL
Well done looks great, & a "Clean62" Kc-135r: 60-0316 just arr.1011z