Search found 3 matches

by burner737
04 Jun 2008, 17:58
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 04-06-2008
Replies: 35
Views: 8754

B767-300ER wrote:Zoals je fotos zelfal zeggen, is het toch echt de OO-VLP in oranje kleuren :wink:
Ik bedoelde het uur van aankomst in EHAM :P
Want Lima Papa is rechtstreeks van EBAW naar EHAM gevlogen ...

by burner737
04 Jun 2008, 16:55
Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
Topic: EHAM 04-06-2008
Replies: 35
Views: 8754

OO-VLP I don't think this is right ... I've seen OO-VLP departing yesterday at EBAW in the late afternoon. with the special colors." onclick=";return false;
by burner737
15 Jan 2008, 23:57
Forum: Spotting Rest of Europe
Topic: Salzburg (LOWS/SZG) - 2008
Replies: 9
Views: 4298

I was there on the 2nd the weather was great aswell as the traffic." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;