Search found 2 matches

by Coert Munk
14 Mar 2014, 20:48
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: WWII Batchelor & Gould airbase and Dutch 18SQN B25 Wreckages
Replies: 10
Views: 4528

Re: WWII Batchelor & Gould airbase and Dutch 18SQN B25 Wreck

Sunbeam wrote:Nice to see these historic airstrips. Nothing remains of buildings/hangars?
Hangars? Buildings?
It was Down Under man! crews in tents, maintenance in open air, etc. See the history books. Hangars were in places as Canberra, Brisbane, etc
by Coert Munk
28 Apr 2009, 22:03
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: 30 april, historic flight over Apeldoorn
Replies: 18
Views: 4602

Re: 30 april, historic flight over Apeldoorn

Vragen? Ik hoor ze ongetwijfeld.