Hi all,
A russian freighter IL-76 departed early evening around 1800 or so,can't see a mention in any logs or on acarsd.org,does anybody have an ID,it was parked up for a long time before departure.
Search found 3 matches
- 30 Jun 2010, 16:21
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 28-05-2010 CIV
- Replies: 2
- Views: 750
- 29 May 2010, 21:21
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 28-05-2010 MIL
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1825
Re: EHEH 28-05-2010 MIL
Hello all,thanks for cleaning up the topics
Well white Fokker 50's with a blue/red cheat line,the learjet was also in similar colours.Thanks everyone for their contributions,my flight to DUB departed 5hrs late around 2000local.
Well white Fokker 50's with a blue/red cheat line,the learjet was also in similar colours.Thanks everyone for their contributions,my flight to DUB departed 5hrs late around 2000local.
- 29 May 2010, 17:59
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 28-05-2010 MIL
- Replies: 9
- Views: 1825
Eindhoven 28th May -questions
Hello Folks, I had a rather long wait in EIN from my flight home to DUB due to a 5hr tech delay,whilst I waited i noticed some very interesting movements.I would be grateful if somebody could tie the registrations up. Around 1045L - Tornado,looks to be german a KC-10 that did two overhead passes of ...