Search found 12 matches
- 17 Apr 2009, 18:20
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2009 CIV
- Replies: 364
- Views: 73227
Er vloog zojuist een oud tweemotorig toestel over woudenberg naar het westen. Klonk erg brommerig. Iemand meer info?
- 08 Apr 2009, 09:18
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2009 MIL
- Replies: 768
- Views: 148658
Re: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2009 MIL
Op dit moment (09.14) vliegen er twee F-16's rond boven de Utrechtse Heuvelrug ter hoogte van de lijn Maarn-Woudenberg en hoger. Vermoedelijk zijn ze ergens boven de Leusderheide/Vlasakkers aan het oefenen? Mogelijk... Hier in Amersfoort ook duidelijk te horen. Ik kan ze enkel niet zien (richting t...
- 19 Mar 2009, 14:38
- Forum: Spotting Netherlands
- Topic: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2009 MIL
- Replies: 768
- Views: 148658
Re: Former EHSB 19-03-09
I hope not.. I'm working now and i don't have my photoequipment with me.
But he was also flying above Amersfoort in direction West.
But he was also flying above Amersfoort in direction West.
- 17 Nov 2008, 11:23
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Final take-off EHSB - 17-11-2008
- Replies: 21
- Views: 7149
Final take-off EHSB - 17-11-2008

That was it! Bye Bye Soesterberg!
- 21 Sep 2008, 21:44
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Phototopic EHSB 21-09-2008
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1737
- 21 Sep 2008, 21:38
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Phototopic EHSB 21-09-2008
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1737
- 21 Sep 2008, 21:15
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Phototopic EHSB 21-09-2008
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1737
Phototopic EHSB 21-09-2008
My pictures of today!

With kind regards,

With kind regards,
- 20 Sep 2008, 22:10
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: market garden 2008
- Replies: 52
- Views: 15409
- 20 Sep 2008, 21:37
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: market garden 2008
- Replies: 52
- Views: 15409
- 20 Sep 2008, 21:35
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: market garden 2008
- Replies: 52
- Views: 15409
Just a question. A few moments before the field closed, someone was shooting 'lightbullets' on the field. Does somebody know what's going on? Normal procedure when it came from the LCB27, last landing, away with the red flares! Put in the new ones before flying starts the next day. I'm sure that th...
- 20 Sep 2008, 21:03
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: market garden 2008
- Replies: 52
- Views: 15409
- 04 May 2008, 14:13
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHSB - 04-05-2008
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1508
EHSB - 04-05-2008

Grt. Stephan