Search found 4 matches

by Houdini
26 Jun 2012, 12:11
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2012 CIV
Replies: 118
Views: 32001

Re: What did I spot over the coastline?

Judging by the form and shape it seems similar to my observations.
This type is certainly no UAV and I'm amazed that it is a single person a/c.
Looking at the size of it's muffler, it could very well be the a/c I heard.

My guess is this is the thing I saw.
Thanks for your pics!

by Houdini
25 Jun 2012, 20:17
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Wie wat waar vliegt daar - 2012 CIV
Replies: 118
Views: 32001

What did I spot over the coastline?

Hi there, On saturday june 16th a walked on the beach from Scheveningen towards Katwijk, when I heard an a/c passing over slowly. The sound was similar to that of motor glider type a/c. When I looked up I noticed an a/c at appr 1500 ft, following the coastline northly. This a/c was delta shaped and ...
by Houdini
24 Nov 2011, 13:57
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: GELAND: Friendship F27 gateguard voor Schiphol Oude Meer...
Replies: 31
Views: 8386

Re: ONDERWEG: Friendship F27 gateguard landt 24 Nov op Schiphol.

Zojuist in formatie over Abcoude in de richting Buitenveldert.
by Houdini
27 Aug 2007, 22:27
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Ballonvluchten
Replies: 2
Views: 3062


Hoi daar,

Wie kan mij vertellen of er ergens logs worden bijgehouden welke heteluchtballonnen er vluchten maken, en of ik die kan raadplegen?
Zo zou ik graag willen weten welke ballonnen er op maandagavond 27-8-07 hebben gevlogen in de regio Utrecht.

Wie kan mij helpen?