Made a brief stop 15.7 and read a Citation
PH-TEV in the hangar, can anyone confirm
this is the correct registration and if so the c/n ?
Paul Coppin Touchdown-News
Search found 4 matches
- 16 Jul 2009, 14:23
- Forum: Rotterdam-The Hague
- Topic: EHRD 15-07-2009
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1470
- 16 Jul 2009, 10:33
- Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
- Topic: EHAM 14-07-2009
- Replies: 33
- Views: 7644
Re: EHAM 14-07-2009
Just spent a couple of days at Schiphol, first time for 18 months and would like to confirm registrations for the following on 14/7 2 Norwegian Shuttle B737's in the evenining Pegasus B737's (we missed one around lunchtime, saw TC-AAH plus TC-APH which arrived in the afternoon) Turkish AL B737 which...
- 21 Feb 2008, 15:21
- Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
- Topic: EHAM 11-12-2007
- Replies: 39
- Views: 13700
Help with call-sign decodes please
Hope someone can help with a couple of queries. I visited Schiphol 11.12.07 and saw a couple of Sky Europe B737NG's arrive after dark. They called 1CG and 4KC, I see on the movements recently posted on the database that there are 4 flights a day 2610, 2614, 3612 and 3616 can someone let me know whic...
- 15 Dec 2007, 18:45
- Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
- Topic: EHAM 11-12-2007
- Replies: 39
- Views: 13700
Schiphol tie ups
Visited Schiphol for 2 days last week, driving over from Mildenhall. Had an unexpected extra few hours on Tuesday evening when the vehicle wouldn't start in the Spottersplatz by the Cargo area. I have a number of tie ups required particularly from after dark plus a few odd bits missed during the day...