Search found 6 matches

by Ridgeback
03 Feb 2018, 14:26
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Red Flag 2018
Replies: 155
Views: 73672

Re: Red Flag 2018

144 FW F-15's will be attending Red Flag 18-2 Source: "Then in March 2018 we will be attending Red Flag 18-2 at Nellis AFB. Again we will be flying all Blue Air and this time fighting against the 64th Aggressor Squadron fro...
by Ridgeback
01 Mar 2015, 21:50
Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
Topic: Req: Red Flag
Replies: 1
Views: 1071

Req: Red Flag

Normally speaking, what does Red Flag tend to do on the final day?
i.e last day Red Flag 15-2 is Friday march 13th
Can I expect operational missions or is it departure day for participants?
by Ridgeback
12 Jul 2011, 21:59
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Leeuwarden 12-07-2011
Replies: 4
Views: 2537

Leeuwarden 12-07-2011

Polish MiG-29s arrived today and gave a tiny little show before landing, performing two overshoots each. http://i1...
by Ridgeback
28 May 2011, 16:27
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: NATO Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai
Replies: 177
Views: 84083

Re: NATO Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai

A clouded start on tuesday, but with the digital tiger fulcrum taxiing out, the sun was just-in-time.....
And the pilot provided the nice background!

by Ridgeback
06 May 2011, 20:53
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: NTM Cambrai, spottersdays carpooltopic
Replies: 4
Views: 2682

Re: NTM Cambrai, spottersdays carpooltopic

Hi, I'm going on Tuesday the 17th of May and have a vacant seat in my car. If anybody wants to ride along, drop me a PM. I live in the surroundings of Utrecht. Alternatively, if anybody has a vacant seat in their car, I would volunteer to fill that seat. I'm flexible with pick up point. Regards, Mel...
by Ridgeback
01 Mar 2011, 18:58
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: NTM Cambrai, spottersdays carpooltopic
Replies: 4
Views: 2682

Re: NTM Cambrai, spottersdays carpooltopic

I'm looking to go 3 days: Sunday 15/05 to the Tigermeet Airshow Monday 16/05 to Reims for some F1's Tuesday 17/05 to Cambrai for the spottersday. Does anybody have the same plan and perhaps has a vacant seat in his/her car? If so, I would like to volunteer to fill that seat. I live in the surroundin...