Search found 28 matches

by Shabba01
07 Sep 2015, 16:09
Forum: Military Aviation News
Topic: First flight of Italian-built F-35
Replies: 1
Views: 1236

First flight of Italian-built F-35

Today, the first flight of an Italian built F-35 Joint Strike Fighter took place from Cameri airbase. This was comfirmed to by Alenia Aermacchi. The flight marks a major milestone in the F-35 development. At Cameri airbase, Alenia Aermacchi operates the only Final Assembly and Check-...
by Shabba01
28 Aug 2015, 20:58
Forum: Spangdahlem
Topic: ETAD 28-08-2015
Replies: 51
Views: 19401

Re: ETAD 28-08-2015

8/28/2015 1:49:57 PM ET I find it interesting this was kept very hush hush so a large portion of the base was kept unaware. But there were about 40 Germans standing at the end of the flight line off base with cameras waiting... Sounds like we have a leak. terminal airman, spangdahlem Funny post! Th...
by Shabba01
14 Jan 2014, 00:28
Forum: Radio Activity
Topic: Helicopter exercise Duke A and Duke B
Replies: 3
Views: 1320

Re: Helicopter exercise Duke A and Duke B

Goodnight everyone,

Is there someone who has some more info about this exercise? What to expect, opportunities for photographing etc?

I might want to take a shot, but I really don't know more about this exercise than already put onto this topic.

Any help is appreciated!


by Shabba01
10 Nov 2013, 16:18
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Meeting de l'air Lens 18 May 2014
Replies: 2
Views: 2972

Meeting de l'air Lens 18 May 2014

Good afternoon, According to the following link, there seems to be a franco-belgian airshow at Lens on 18th of may 2014. Time will tell what to expect! Grtz, Dennis AIRheadsFLY [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
by Shabba01
04 Nov 2013, 22:10
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede
Replies: 13
Views: 5010

Re: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede

Hallo allemaal. Allereerst bedankt voor de positieve reacties op mijn foto's! Maar eerlijkheid gebied te zeggen dat ik deze foto's niet had kunnen maken zonder de info die jullie op dit forum delen! Dus mijn dank is groot! Het is een kwestie van geven en nemen, en als ik ergens info over heb zal ik ...
by Shabba01
01 Nov 2013, 06:57
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede
Replies: 13
Views: 5010

Re: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede

Mogguh! Gisteren is er wel degelijk flinke heli-activiteit geweest, bij de oude steenfabriek (Roodvoet) in Rijswijk (Gelderland). Nadat in de loop van de ochtend de eerste poging van de 2 CH-47F's (D-891 en D-892) en 4 AH-64's op het laatste moment werd afgeblazen vanwege ongewenste, niet-gemotorise...
by Shabba01
31 Oct 2013, 23:53
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Rijswijk (Gelderland) - Exercise Challenge 31-10-2013
Replies: 4
Views: 2858

Rijswijk (Gelderland) - Exercise Challenge 31-10-2013

Hello all, Today the large helicopter exercise called Challenge took place in and around an old brick factory near Wijk bij Duurstede. AIRheads↑FLY was there to take some pictures of the two new CH-47F's of 298sq. Considering the weather and location this was also a challenge! Unfortunately, but Obv...
by Shabba01
30 Oct 2013, 15:27
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede
Replies: 13
Views: 5010

Re: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede


Zijn er al activiteiten waargenomen in de buurt van Wijk bij Duurstede vwb deze oefening?

Ben nog steeds benieuwd of er speciekere info is over morgen.

Alvast bedankt!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
by Shabba01
28 Oct 2013, 21:37
Forum: Spotting Netherlands
Topic: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede
Replies: 13
Views: 5010

Re: Luchtmacht oefent boven Wijk bij Duurstede

Hallo allemaal, Het klinkt misschien verwend, maar heeft iemand wellicht iets specifiekere tijdsinfo voor wat betreft momenten waarop er die dag vliegbewegingen in/bij Wijk bij Duurstede zijn? Ik kan wel een paar uurtjes vrijmaken van mijn werk, maar helaas niet een hele dag. Hopelijk kan iemand me ...
by Shabba01
18 Oct 2013, 16:03
Forum: Woensdrecht
Topic: FAC1041 F28
Replies: 27
Views: 7057

Re: FAC1041 F28

Hello everybody,

FAC1041 is back at Woensdrecht, landed about 15.30 (visually cormfirmed). So it seemed to be another testflight!

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
by Shabba01
18 Oct 2013, 13:40
Forum: Woensdrecht
Topic: FAC1041 F28
Replies: 27
Views: 7057

Re: FAC1041 F28

Is it still a testflight, or flight back home to colombia?

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
by Shabba01
18 Oct 2013, 09:02
Forum: Woensdrecht
Topic: FAC1041 F28
Replies: 27
Views: 7057

Re: FAC1041 F28

Hello all! I'm not familiar at woensdrecht, but i have some questions about the position of the f28: - does "outside at the wall" that it's visible from outside the field? - what's the location? - is it possible to take pictures from outside? I will be in the neighbourhood today, so if pos...
by Shabba01
13 Oct 2013, 01:03
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Eindhoven (EHEH) 10-10-2013
Replies: 3
Views: 2333

Re: Eindhoven (EHEH) 10-10-2013

Hi all, At this day there was also a well-organized basevisit of the EWAS due to the tdy of Leeuwarden F-16's to Eindhoven. I was lucky to attend this interesting visit. Thank you also to the KLu for giving us this chance. Here's one picture of this basevisit:
by Shabba01
08 Oct 2013, 21:56
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Emmen - Tage der Offentlichkeit 18+19 October 2013
Replies: 0
Views: 1103

Emmen - Tage der Offentlichkeit 18+19 October 2013

Hi all, Saw this on the Schweizer Luftwaffe website: Letztmals vor 23 Jahren durften wir zu einem Tag der offenen Türe auf dem Militärflugplatz Emmen einladen. Wir freuen uns nun sehr am 18. und 19. Oktober zu Tagen der Öffentlichkeit (TdÖff) einladen zu dürfen. Es hat sich vieles getan in den letzt...
by Shabba01
08 Oct 2013, 01:25
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: BA110 Creil (LFPC) - Base visit
Replies: 3
Views: 2666

BA110 Creil (LFPC) - Base visit

Hello all, Yesterday, monday 7th of october, GRAS organized a visit to Creil airbase (BA110), home of the transport squadrons ET01.062 Vercors and ET03.063 Ventoux. Both flying the CN-235. It turned out to be a very nice visit, with lost of sunshine, very nice company and guides who really knew what...