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by the-frenchie
13 Nov 2009, 10:20
Forum: Radio Activity
Topic: LOG 13-11-2009
Replies: 4
Views: 1007

Re: LOG 13-11-2009

Hallo !

For now I can confirm "Magic" on 261.000.

I hear the BAF also
by the-frenchie
12 Nov 2009, 17:24
Forum: Radio Activity
Topic: LOG 12-11-2009
Replies: 1
Views: 663

Re: LOG 12-11-2009


through Henk, I heard from the area of Valenciennes in France Magic 70 on :


:D I am very happy !! thanks
by the-frenchie
11 Nov 2009, 22:11
Forum: Radio Activity
Topic: LOG 11-11-2009
Replies: 1
Views: 683

Re: LOG 11-11-2009

Henk Voortwijs wrote:Magic 55: busy doing some exercising this morning. Frequencies in use so far:

283.0750 MHz = Air Manager
335.9750 MHz = QRA primary
309.6250 MHz = QRA secondary
good evening,

I confirm the first two frequencies.
I've heard since the Valenciennes area (France).
