Search found 119 matches
- 05 Feb 2020, 12:53
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: Frisian Flag in 2020
- Replies: 106
- Views: 74103
Re: Frisian Flag in 2020
Hi all! On a normal day frisian flag : take off at 09.00, recovery at 11.00 and second wave than 13.00 take off and 15.00 recovery or will it be different this year? No tanker support with shorter airtime? Kind regards, Stafsels Nobody said there will be no tankersupport, only that there will be no...
- 11 Jun 2019, 09:18
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Luchtmachtdagen 14-15 June 2019 at Volkel
- Replies: 154
- Views: 129014
Re: Luchtmachtdagen 14-15 June 2019 at Volkel
Weet iemand wat de Klu F-35's na de open dagen gaan doen? Meteen terug naar de VS of wat mij persoonlijk logischer lijkt door naar Leeuwarden om deel te nemen aan de huidige A2A fase van de FWIT? (IPV de HL F-35's?)
- 23 Feb 2018, 18:01
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Salisbury Plain Training Area & RAF Odiham
- Replies: 10
- Views: 5468
Re: Salisbury Plain Training Area & RAF Odiham
Love the night/duskshots
- 19 Feb 2018, 10:14
- Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
- Topic: Red Flag 2018
- Replies: 155
- Views: 71104
Re: Red Flag 2018
Last Friday was the last day of RF 18-1. They flew one wave as usual.Ergo01 wrote:Maybe reported elsewhere: but RF 18-1 has learned that friday is no-fly day for RF. So no daylight, no night missions on fridays.
Seems to be a decision by the new commander.
- 12 May 2017, 11:06
- Forum: Spotting Germany
- Topic: Wittmund (ETNT) 2017 MIL
- Replies: 105
- Views: 42903
Re: Wittmund 11.5.
According to several German media they will stay untill 16-5 (bis zum 16-5).
- 10 Feb 2017, 17:17
- Forum: Photography
- Topic: Canon EOS 5D mk4 overpriced?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 6249
Re: Canon EOS 5D mk4 overpriced?
Hans, kun je uitleggen hoe je aan het resultaat van 27mp komt? Dan kan ik dat eens vertalen naar mijn situatie. Ben, gewoon oude situatie loslaten op nieuwe, bij mij was maximaal bereik in oude situatie 16 mp camera (1d4) met 800 mm lens en dus de 1,3 crop, dat gaf mij een analoog bereik van 1040 m...
- 10 Feb 2017, 13:36
- Forum: Photography
- Topic: Canon EOS 5D mk4 overpriced?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 6249
Re: Canon EOS 5D mk4 overpriced?
Sorry dat ik mij hier inmeng, maar ik zit al een paar jaar te kijken naar full frame. Ik doe naast vliegtuigfotografie ook indoor sport en heb het idee dat ik een full frame daar heeeeel goed kan gebruiken. Ik ben echter voor vliegtuigfotografie bang voor het verlies van de cropfactor en dus de fic...
- 28 Sep 2016, 15:51
- Forum: Photography
- Topic: Canon 1D mk4
- Replies: 8
- Views: 5288
Re: Canon 1D mk4
Heb mijn 1Dmark4's ingeruild voor de 5ds. tot nu toe erg tevreden, full frame ipv 1.3 crop en heel veel Mp's..Heeft iest minder fps dan mijn oude 1d en is bij extreem hoge iso's 3200 plus) wat minder. Heb bewust niet gekozen voor de 1dxmark2 omdat deze voor te weinig mp's had. Voor de rest een waanz...
- 12 Apr 2016, 15:58
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: FF, the french connection
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2028
FF, the french connection
Although many consider the ANG F-15's the most interesting participants, to me the French Mir2000D's are the ones. Here is a small impression of the French during the first day of FF. Hope you enjoy them. Grtz, Hans
- 06 Apr 2016, 09:34
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: sunset photoshoot Beauvechain 5-4-2016
- Replies: 4
- Views: 3136
sunset photoshoot Beauvechain 5-4-2016
Here are some quick edits from a nice event. Hope you enjoy them. Grtz, Hans All3 ERJ NH90
- 04 Apr 2016, 11:22
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 04-04-2016
- Replies: 31
- Views: 10593
Re: EHLW 04-04-2016
Zou normaal gesproken betekenen 3 MaANG en 5 CalANG voor LeeuwardenEagle driver wrote:The 4 F-15s that went to Keflavik on sunday as cube 41-44 flight were
85-0101/MA , 85-0113 /MA, 85-0125/MA, 82-0028 CAL ANG
- 16 Mar 2016, 09:41
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: Frisian Flag 11-22 April 2016
- Replies: 107
- Views: 65787
Re: Frisian Flag 11-22 April 2016
This is from the French Airforce, so pretty clear what is to be expected. FRISIAN FLAG 4 Mirage 2000N, 4 Mirage 2000D, 1 C135 (EATC) 190 pax Pays-Bas SEM 16 et 17 - Planifier, exécuter et débriefer des COMAO* dans des scénarii réalistes - Planifier et conduire des opérations aériennes dans un contex...
- 24 Feb 2016, 17:38
- Forum: Spotting Canada & USA
- Topic: Nellis AFB KLSV 2016
- Replies: 111
- Views: 40216
Re: Nellis AFB KLSV 2016
There is usually no morning RF recovery. They mostly don't start flying before noon, with recoveries during mid to late afternoon.
There is usually no morning RF recovery. They mostly don't start flying before noon, with recoveries during mid to late afternoon.
- 24 Feb 2016, 08:37
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Jordanian Air Force 2015
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4025
Re: Jordanian Air Force 2015
Here are some more from this trip. The report is now online at our website. ( ) Thanks for watching. Grtz, Hans Camo F-5 R44 Raven
- 22 Feb 2016, 12:11
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Jordanian Air Force 2015
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4025
Jordanian Air Force 2015
I was one of lucky people to visit the Jordanian Air force last November with 4 Aviation. Here are some impressions of this visit. A complete reoprt will soon be online at our website. Hope you enjoy them. Grtz, Hans We did not know if they were still flying......luckily they did. One of the few F-5...