Search found 7 matches

by Mats Egbutt
25 Jul 2015, 23:26
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: EHAM 23-07-2015 off topic
Replies: 18
Views: 3493

Re: EHAM 23-07-2015 off topic

Leedvermaak. Dus dan maar weer weg.
by Mats Egbutt
24 Jun 2014, 09:44
Forum: Tattle Lounge
Topic: Air force day 20/21 June 2014 RNLAF - chit chat
Replies: 127
Views: 38691

Re: Air force day 20/21 June 2014 RNLAF - chit chat

Always irritatting. Those guys withe their stairs in front of you.
by Mats Egbutt
18 Sep 2011, 22:58
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Leeuwarden 2011 Opinions
Replies: 28
Views: 7383

Re: Leeuwarden 2011 Opinions

What are you moaning about? Strange reaction. If you (marcel32us) will take photos and there are people standing in front of you at a stepladder, you don't moan? Allright, he is in the second row. But there are a lot more of these fellows. But it seems allright with you. I know a lot of spotters whi...
by Mats Egbutt
18 Sep 2011, 19:23
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Leeuwarden 2011 Opinions
Replies: 28
Views: 7383

Re: Leeuwarden 2011 Opinions

I was there friday and saterday. Friday the weather was perfect. The flying displays were most of the time impressive. Highlights were: Team Viper, F-18 and Mig 29. Love the smoke. The organisation was perfect. We didn't have to wait for the busses. One point of criticism: Why do need some spotters ...
by Mats Egbutt
02 Jun 2011, 19:15
Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
Topic: Schiphol EHAM 02-06-2011
Replies: 42
Views: 7228

Re: EHAM 02-06-2011

Learn FIRST and put them on the net.

Now it is bad quality.

by Mats Egbutt
22 Jan 2011, 20:06
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: FOTOWEDSTRIJD KLM Boeing 747's...
Replies: 33
Views: 7073

Re: FOTOWEDSTRIJD KLM Boeing 747's...

Bedankt voor je antwoord, Niels.

Ik zal voorlopig blijven en waar nodig mijn mening of kennis met jullie delen.


by Mats Egbutt
22 Jan 2011, 19:49
Forum: 't Praethuys
Topic: FOTOWEDSTRIJD KLM Boeing 747's...
Replies: 33
Views: 7073

Re: FOTOWEDSTRIJD KLM Boeing 747's...

Je laat je enorm kennen nu. Geen sex gehad gisteren? NustyR is geen heilige graal, maar hij fotograveert wel op een nivo wat velen (getuige de reacties in de fototopics) poberen te evenaren Verders: Mijn laatste reactie in deze, De reactie van NustyR zegt genoeg. Mzzls. N.B. RvdM79, of ie veel drin...