Search found 11 matches

by clubwings
21 Aug 2011, 15:58
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011
Replies: 45
Views: 28638

Re: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011

Hi friends - the program, the hours, the participants - all! Come here and see Russian MiG-29OVT! Romanian airplanes! Swiss PC-7 Team! Four Gripen! Competition with F2car and bulgarian MiG-29! :respect:
by clubwings
24 May 2011, 22:07
Forum: Aviation Photos - Thematic & non-actual
Topic: Warsaw Pact photos - pre 1990 only
Replies: 120
Views: 117742

Re: Warsaw Pact photos - pre 1990 only

Hi friends!
Here is a lot of pictures of Bulgarian Air Forces pre 1990:
by clubwings
17 Mar 2011, 19:51
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Graf Ignatievo 17 March
Replies: 8
Views: 7314

Re: Graf Ignatievo 17 March

Hi Friends! Today was the great day! Today was rainy, but the airshow was good! Pictures in the links (Photos Amateur :D - but nice )!
by clubwings
17 Mar 2011, 19:45
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011
Replies: 45
Views: 28638

Re: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011

Fighters - MiG-29 and MiG-21
Airplanes - C-27J Spartan and Pilatus PC-9M, Su-25
Helicopters - Mi-17, Cougars.
by clubwings
12 Mar 2011, 20:48
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011
Replies: 45
Views: 28638

Re: BIAF @Plovdiv 4, 5 September 2011

Hi friends. Currently, organizers confirmed participation of PC-7 from Switzerland, Galebs from Serbia, Bulgarian Air Force, one Eurofighter, one Me-109 static exposure. Almost certainly the involvement of one Gripen, one F-16. Lead to enhanced negotiations Mig 29 OBT. Bulgaria invited Brazil to par...
by clubwings
12 Mar 2011, 20:28
Forum: Airshow news!
Topic: Graf Ignatievo 17 March
Replies: 8
Views: 7314

Re: Graf Ignatievo 17 March

Hi friends! As you already know, on March 17 will be open flying day in Bulgarian Graf Ignatievo Airbase. The open day is allowed for all! Here's the program. 9.30 - starting to run. 10.30 - short ceremony 11.30 - exhibition of aviation - PC-9, Cougar, MiG-21, MiG-29, light aviation. Visit the Airba...