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- 09 Sep 2014, 12:36
- Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
- Topic: EHGR 09-09-2014
- Replies: 20
- Views: 6024
Re: EHGR 09-09-2014
En nu contact met de toren
- 09 Sep 2014, 12:30
- Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
- Topic: EHGR 09-09-2014
- Replies: 20
- Views: 6024
Re: EHGR 09-09-2014
TTF9030 gaat zojuist de Nederlands / Belgische grens over
- 07 Dec 2013, 20:10
- Forum: Photography
- Topic: Canon EOS 100D versus EOS 600D & EOS 700D
- Replies: 7
- Views: 3621
Re: Canon EOS 100D versus EOS 600D & EOS 700D
100D heeft ook een touchscreen.
- 19 Sep 2013, 16:46
- Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
- Topic: EHGR 19-09-2013
- Replies: 12
- Views: 4146
Re: EHGR 19-09-2013
En nu een DC-3 richting Gilze
- 03 Jul 2013, 10:58
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
- Replies: 187
- Views: 128345
Re: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
When registration started it was already said that some aircraft would be fenced because they are preparing for the openday during the spottersday.Alpha Kilo One wrote:Why fencing them off?
- 02 Jul 2013, 10:57
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
- Replies: 187
- Views: 128345
Re: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
Are you sure, this is what was written on facebook yesterday by the spottersday organisation about preserving the last phantoms: 38+10: Geht als Gateguard nach Neuburg a.d.D. der Rest geht nach Jever zur Verschrottung und Ersatzteilgewinnung Die Flieger werden diese Woche nach Jever gebracht , wohl ...
- 02 Jul 2013, 00:31
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013
- Replies: 62
- Views: 30062
Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013
IMHO it's exactly the opposite: people who want to take a close look or take wide-angle pics think they're the only one on the base and are ruining the photo for everybody else. If you want to have a close look, then go to the open day and have a close look together with all the "dagjesmensen&...
- 30 Jun 2013, 23:31
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013
- Replies: 62
- Views: 30062
Re: Phantom Pharewell Tag der offenen Tür 29-6-2013
Another thing that I wanted to mention: I hope that photographers can be more tolerant towards each other. I agree, on friday a group of photographers thought they had special rights on the base. Everytime someone dared to stand in front of their lens to take a picture or just to take a close look ...
- 13 Jun 2013, 00:09
- Forum: Gilze-Rijen & GRAS
- Topic: EHGR 12-06-2013
- Replies: 14
- Views: 3884
Re: EHGR 12-06-2013
Die C17 heeft nog wel wat rondjes gevlogen tussen Gilze en Woensdrecht (heb 'm in Moerdijk minstens twee keer langs zien komen)
- 23 May 2013, 10:56
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
- Replies: 187
- Views: 128345
Re: Spottersday and Open day Wittmund 28/29 June 2013
Parking for the spottersday has changed, no more busses but a 500 mtr walk to the base.
see: ... en-parking
see: ... en-parking
- 06 May 2013, 16:26
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: EHEH (Eindhoven) 06-05-2013 (CIV/MIL)
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2863
Re: EHEH (Eindhoven) 06-05-2013 (CIV/MIL)
That RyanAir "dreamliner" isn't a dreamliner but a 737.
- 04 May 2013, 12:04
- Forum: Tattle Lounge
- Topic: Luchtmachtdagen 2013 Volkel - WISHES, DREAMS, CHIT CHAT
- Replies: 347
- Views: 115741
Re: Luchtmachtdagen 2013 Volkel - wishes, dreams, chit chat
I believe the parkings at the spotters places are closed for cars but when you park your car somewhere else and take a walk you can still reach the spots (correct me if I'm wrong)
- 30 Apr 2013, 22:02
- Forum: Amsterdam - Schiphol
- Topic: EHAM 30-4-2013 MIL
- Replies: 44
- Views: 13280
Re: EHAM 30-4-2013 MIL
En rood wit blauwe rook is volgens mij een luchtmacht primeur (met F-16's)
- 29 Apr 2013, 15:40
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Frisian Flag departures, 26-04-2013 EHLW
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1807
Frisian Flag departures, 26-04-2013 EHLW
Some pictures taken on at Vlb Leeuwarden on the departure day of Frisian Flag '13. Weather was very bad, low clouds and some showers. 1. 2. 3.
- 23 Apr 2013, 15:17
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 26-04-2013 MIL
- Replies: 15
- Views: 4336
Re: EHLW 26-04-2013
Er staat een ochtend missie gepland op de laatste vrijdag, echter vorig jaar gingen een aantal units na de missie meteen naar huis ipv op Leeuwarden te landen Volgens mij gingen alleen de zweden direct naar huis en heeft de rest nog gelunched op Leeuwarden voordat ze 's middags richting huis vertro...