For what it is worth:
I have heard 14:30-15:00LT via 2 different channels, no confirmation, just rumour.
Search found 43 matches
- 30 Jun 2020, 07:25
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 30-06-2020 MIL
- Replies: 20
- Views: 8484
- 03 Sep 2019, 19:50
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Airpower 2019 Zeltweg 6-7 September
- Replies: 78
- Views: 42981
Re: Airpower 2019 Zeltweg 6-7 September
We are staying at Moitzi campsite, do the display aircraft come near the campsite or is it too far away?
Thx in advance.
Thx in advance.
- 05 Jun 2019, 16:05
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: Luchtmachtdagen 14-15 June 2019 at Volkel
- Replies: 154
- Views: 129017
Re: Luchtmachtdagen 14-15 June 2019 at Volkel
According to a post on Facebook (Nationaal Militair Museum), the D-5803 (Dual Starfighter) is on a lorry on it's way to Volkel for the LMD.
- 28 Jun 2018, 11:45
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 28-06-2018 MIL
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3220
Re: EHEH 28-06-2018 MIL
BAT 74, AH64 emergency landing at GLV-V, safely on the ground now.
- 16 Mar 2018, 14:26
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 16-03-2018 MIL
- Replies: 28
- Views: 10792
Re: EHLW 16-03-2018 MIL
jbeijer wrote:RCH785 showing a 1345Z ETD for Ramstein
It just departed EHLW according to ADSB as RCH410.
- 16 Mar 2018, 08:30
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 16-03-2018 MIL
- Replies: 28
- Views: 10792
Re: EHLW 16-03-2018 MIL
RCH367 now on adsb over Wisconsin.jbeijer wrote:This one should be om his way now
RCH785 C17 07-7169 KBAF-EHLW ETD 0425Z
Out of Portland for Pease should be
RCH367 C17 02-1111 KPDX-KPSM ETD 0315Z
Not sure this one will make it to Leeuwarden today
- 15 Mar 2018, 08:01
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 15-03-2018 MIL
- Replies: 43
- Views: 16850
Re: EHLW 15-03-2018 MIL
This one is now on his way to Leeuwarden: RCH625 C17 00-0178 KBAF-EHLW 0100Z This one to depart in about an hour RCH165 C17 01-0196 CYQX-EHLW 0630Z RCH928 is on his way from Barnes to Prestwick, ETA there 0730Z RCH928 now visible on adsb North of Ireland. Adsb shows 92-3291 as serial. Edit: RCH926 ...
- 24 Jan 2018, 15:47
- Forum: Eindhoven
- Topic: EHEH 24-01-2018 CIV
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1058
Re: EHEH 24-01-2018 CIV
A330 not visible on the ramp now (I am at the spottersparking). Anybody that can confirm the departure time?
Edit: according to source it dept. 15:25LT.
Edit: according to source it dept. 15:25LT.
- 05 Mar 2017, 21:33
- Forum: Photography
- Topic: Calibreren van een lens
- Replies: 19
- Views: 12981
Re: Calibreren van een lens
Bedankt al voor de twee reacties, ik heb dan nog wel een vraag. Kan ik met mijn body meerdere lenzen calibreren of ben ik gebonden aan 1 lens als de calibratie is uitgevoerd? Ik heb ook de D7000 en al mijn lenzen bij Chipclean laten calibreren. Dacht dat je er 10 kunt laten calibreren op de D7000 G...
- 25 Jun 2016, 21:18
- Forum: 't Praethuys
- Topic: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, off-topic
- Replies: 50
- Views: 10670
Re: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, particip
Yor welcome!Einstein wrote:Thanks okerkhof!
Regards, Olaf
- 25 Jun 2016, 21:17
- Forum: 't Praethuys
- Topic: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, off-topic
- Replies: 50
- Views: 10670
Re: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, particip
Hello all, I've seen conflicting reports about camerabags being allowed or not. Can anyone shed more light on this? Have more people than the one who posted in this topic earlier been refused entry because they had a large camera backpack? Been there today, WITH a large camera backpack, very strict...
- 25 Jun 2016, 20:40
- Forum: Airshow news!
- Topic: 25/26jun2016 Belgian AF Days Florennes, movs/logs/queries et
- Replies: 170
- Views: 76052
Re: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, particip
AMC wrote:Do somebody read the Let410?
- 25 Jun 2016, 20:38
- Forum: 't Praethuys
- Topic: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, off-topic
- Replies: 50
- Views: 10670
Re: 25/26jun 2016 Belgian Air Force Days Florennes, particip
Hello all, I've seen conflicting reports about camerabags being allowed or not. Can anyone shed more light on this? Have more people than the one who posted in this topic earlier been refused entry because they had a large camera backpack? Been there today, WITH a large camera backpack, very strict...
- 11 May 2016, 20:27
- Forum: Leeuwarden
- Topic: EHLW 23-05-2016 F-35s
- Replies: 134
- Views: 47164
Re: EHLW 23-05-2016
Volgens deze link, komen er 2: ... -1.6003674 ... -1.6003674
- 10 Aug 2015, 18:12
- Forum: Aviation Photo Forum
- Topic: Bored with RIAT 2015 photos? Dodge this! PvH!
- Replies: 18
- Views: 5655