Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter » ... -location/
September 20, 2019

The latest critical MH370 debris, delivered to Malaysia this week,
could hold clues to the location of the Boeing 777.

Malaysian authorities received the debris
that was handed to wreck hunter Blaine Gibson on Madagascar in 2017.

The debris, off one of the engines,
is critical as it may hold clues to the speed and force of the impact
which would help searchers refine the area where it crashed say, experts.

According to Mr Gibson
“this debris was handed to me by local people more than two years ago as a result of the 370 families debris awareness trip to Madagascar.
They were supposed to be collected and delivered in August 2017 by Hon. Consul Zahid Raza,
but he was tragically assassinated before he could do so.
The two pieces were held in Madagascar for two years during the investigation into his assassination.”

Mr Gibson travelled to Madagascar in June 2019
and met and communicated with government officials at different levels
in an effort to arrange the release and delivery of two pieces of probable 370 debris.

“The baseplate of the vortex generator may provide valuable information on how the plane impacted the water.

Mike Exner and Don Thompson of the Independent Group worked very hard to identify the debris from photos,” said Mr Gibson.
...and you can see the photos of the debris thru ... -location/ per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter » ... 203420978/
December 2, 2019 8:42AM PT

Banijay Rights has acquired worldwide sales to the thriller mini-series “Flight MH370”
which is based on the real-life mystery
surrounding the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines flight which vanished in the depths of the Indian Ocean,
carrying 239 passengers.

Produced by Nora Melhli (“The Tunnel”)’s new outfit Alef One,
the six-part drama has been ordered by the French public broadcaster France Televisions.

The predominantly English-langauge show is based on a novel by Ghyslain Wattrelos,
who lost his wife and two of his three children in the tragedy in 2014,
and another book by the investigative journalist Florence de Changy.

The show is driven by a strong creative team, including the showrunner Gilles Bannier (“Spiral”),
and writers Tim Loan (“Versailles”) and Laurent Mercier (“Eden”).
Nadine Nohr, whose credits include “The Bridge” and “Broadchurch” is executive producing alongside Melhli.

Unfolding across seven countries,
“Flight MH370” is told from multiple perspectives of characters who are based on real people,
from journalists, to scientists, pilots, politicians and others whose lives have been affected by the tragedy.

Nathalie Biancolli, the head of international scripted at France Television,
described the mini-series as a
“high-quality drama, interweaving the investigation, fiction and reality to create a gripping story.”

Melhli, meanwhile,
said the series’s aim “is to tell a true story through the lens of an intimate and geopolitical thriller. ... 203420978/
Variety :?: per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »
Gepubliceerd op 11 nov. 2019

Royal Aeronautical Society

RAeS Brussels Branch lecture
held at Eurocontrol on the topic of the MH370 Flight
and whether ATC was deliberately misled.

Engineers from CAPTIO will illustrate a plausible trajectory of flight MH370
that might have taken advantage of the shortcomings in civil and military air traffic control
– and the antiquated air/ground communication systems in particular.

People in command of the flight – the pilots? hijackers? –
would have been able to fly practically undetected.

One thing is known from the Inmarsat communication watchdog data:
the flight ended in the Indian Ocean. ... ly-misled/
Flight MH370: was air traffic control deliberately misled?

18 September 2019



If you missed this lecture, watch it on the AeroSociety YouTube Channel.
...for those of you who had not seen it yet, ... 1cc6ff3214
is worth viewing.

Also of interest:

...just do not expect
any significant breakthrough the coming months or year... :| per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter » ... d-experts/
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February 02, 2020

A group of the world’s leading search experts for Malaysia Airlines Flt MH370
have defined new areas to be searched for the missing Boeing 777.
Malaysia has stated that it needs new evidence before starting a new search, although US-based search company Ocean Infinity has said that it will search on a “no find no fee basis.”

After extensive revision and refinement of data search experts
Victor Iannello, Bobby Ulich, Richard Godfrey, and Andrew Banks
have defined a new area for MH370 adjacent to that previously covered
and have released the findings in a detailed paper.
This paper, “Search Recommendation for MH370’s Debris Field”, ... ris-field/
brings together all the independent work of these experts on MH370. ... ris-field/
The paper states;
“The last search for MH370 was conducted by Ocean Infinity,
who consulted with official and independent researchers and
subsequently scanned the seabed along the 7th arc as far north as S25° latitude.

Since then, independent researchers have continued to analyze the available data
to understand what areas of the seabed are the most likely,
and why previous search efforts have been unsuccessful.

The results of that work suggest that the final hours of the flight
were due south in the Indian Ocean along E93.7875° longitude,
which matches a great circle between the waypoint BEDAX (about 100 NM west of Banda Aceh, Sumatra)
and the South Pole.
The POI was estimated to lie close to the 7th arc around S34.4° latitude.”

This would be about 1800km due west of Dunsborough, Western Australia.

The map below shows the new areas to be searched for MH370
in green (A1), grey (A2) and then A3.

The area previously search by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau is highlighted in yellow. ... mage-4.png
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »

..."old news"... ... de-theory/

February 19, 2020
...but still a good read.
Another theory from a vocal group of pilots who support the controlled ditching theory is
that the wreckage is in a triangle south of 39°S, although other analyses suggest this is too far south.

“If it is a fact that the furthest reaches were not explored
because of assumptions of a pilot who was no longer at the controls,
I would say let’s ditch that assumption,’’ Abbott said.

“Let’s assume that it was murder-suicide by the pilot
and if there is any part of that ocean that could have been reached on that basis that has not yet been explored
let’s get out and explore it.” ... de-theory/ ... ime-gadss/
ICAO’s 2023 Timeline Gives Airlines More Time for GADSS
May 7, 2020

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
has delayed its January 2021 date
for its Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS) initiative until 2023.

Under the newly implemented two-year postponement,
the standard for the distress tracking element of GADSS will now be applicable as of January 2023 for new-build aircraft.
Following a survey by ICAO on preparedness,
the agency’s Air Navigation Commission recommended this postponement to 2023,
which was approved by the ICAO Council this year.

Initially, the second phase of the Autonomous Distress Tracking (ADT) mandate
was berthed as part of its GADSS initiative.

Triggered by the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370,
it was to occur on or after January 21, 2021.
To comply with the mandate, aircraft with a maximum take-off weight over 27,000 kg (60,000 lbs)
with an airworthiness certificate issued
would have to autonomously transmit position information
once every minute or less when an aircraft is in distress.

However, this 2021 date has been pushed back.

While the GADSS 15-minute, normal tracking standard is now being adhered to globally,
many countries still haven’t set out their national regulations in support of its 1-minute standard for distress operations.

Indeed, very few operators are complying with ICAO Annex 6 – 6.18 and Appendix 9 recommendations,
as they see this as a forward-fit requirement only.
Very few aviation authorities have adopted this into regulation yet. ... ime-gadss/ per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

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Aircraft Part Found On Australian Beach Unlikely To Be From MH370

October 12, 2020

A fresh wave of speculation was ignited last week regarding the six-year-old mystery of a lost Malaysian Airlines 777.

A piece of unidentified vehicle wreckage washed up on the shores of Australia’s Far North Queensland region,
and photos of the part were subsequently posted to Facebook,
drawing a large amount of public interest.

However, some subject matter experts doubt that the piece could be from the missing aircraft.
According to various media sources,
Australian resident Mick Elcoate was fishing on a remote beach seven kilometers (4.3 miles) north of Cape Tribulation in Far North Queensland
when he found some wreckage that had washed ashore on Monday, October 5th. more thru

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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

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December 04, 2020

MH370 did not crash in the Maldives according to one of the world’s leading oceanographers, pouring cold water on a recent theory.

Charitha Pattiaratchi, Winthrop Professor of coastal oceanography at the University of Western Australia
told that MH370 could not have crashed in the Maldives
because the “debris would have ended up in Somalia”
and other northeast African states six months before the first piece was recovered at Reunion Island.
He added that based on hard evidence, not theory,
MH370 must be due west of Perth Western Australia between the latitudes 28 and 33 south.

“It is most likely at Broken Ridge (32 degrees south) on the seventh arc,”
said Professor Pattiaratchi.

That location is about 2000km due west of Perth, Western Australia
and the “seventh arc” is a satellite-related curved line that marks the last contact with MH370.

The topography is very mountainous and the depth is between 4000 and 6000m.

He says the next search should go wider from the seventh arc than the 50 miles on either side previously completed. ... -maldives/
The Maldives crash theory is not new and was originally based on sightings of a low- flying Boeing 777.

However, debris hunter Blaine Gibson said that MH370 crash expert Don Thompson had solved the mystery of the low flying 777 on the morning of March 8, 2014.
“Don’s research has turned up that a Saudia 777, registered HZ-AKF, landed at Male at 8.37 am on March 8, 2014.

“Ït was apparently a private flight and there was some low flying :!: before it landed,” Mr. Gibson said.
“I have interviewed the people who sighted the 777 and they all said that it was blue and white, which are the colors of the Saudi plane”

The Malaysian government has been offered a second search by US-based Ocean Infinity on a no find no fee basis but has so far declined.

In January 2018 Ocean Infinity conducted an unsuccessful survey under contract from the Malaysian Government on the same basis. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »

February 01, 2021
...nothing new, then... :|
But ... ic-expert/
is still a good read.
February 01, 2021
The man who has found over half of all the known debris from MH370 is concerned that conspiracy theories still abound over the tragic loss that claimed 239 lives almost seven years ago.

Speaking exclusively with
ahead of the imminent release on yet another conspiracy theory book,
“The Disappearing Act: The Impossible Case of MH370” by journalist Florence de Changy,
Mr. Gibson says that her claim the Boeing 777 was shot down off southern Vietnam by a fighter aircraft
or by a laser beam “is not supported by a shred of debris evidence.”
... ... ies-mh370/
is also of interest. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

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February 17, 2021
New possible Malaysia Airlines MH 370 debris has been found in South Africa
earlier this month but there has been no reaction from Malaysian officials.

According to wreck hunter, Blaine Gibson the debris was washed ashore in early February (2021)
in Jeffreys Bay near Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

The piece of debris is approximately 3 feet (1m) long
and is certainly from an aircraft most likely a Malaysian 777
as it sports the distinctive light grey colour.

According to Mr. Gibson, it could be part of a spoiler wing panel used to reduce lift.

The debris is currently held with the South African Civil Aviation Authority in Johannesburg
and the Malaysian authorities were notified 10 days ago
but there has been no reaction sources tell ... th-africa/
A total of 33 pieces of debris – confirmed and suspected from MH370 –
have been recovered by 16 different people unrelated to each other in six different countries.

This piece is the 34th and it like the others supports the theory that MH370 lies in the southern Indian Ocean.

According to Mr. Gibson, who has found a large number of pieces,
at least half of the pieces of debris have been firmly identified as coming from MH370 or a 777.

Critically the two largest pieces – the flaperon and flap – were positively identified as from MH370. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter » is indeed seven years ago now.

Still of interest:
March 06, 2021

Blaine Gibson (L) with the new piece of debris (photo). ... ew-search/
MH370 wreck hunter Blaine Gibson,
who has found many of the pieces of MH370 debris and galvanized others to find debris is pleading for a new search.

Here is Blaine’s statement:
“Prof. Chari Pattiaratchi’s (University of WA) drift analysis accurately predicted where MH370 debris would wash ashore and when.
He advised me where to go search,
and with the help of locals and fishermen I found some pieces of the plane, so I highly respect his opinion.

“Both Prof Chari and I think the most likely crash site lies between 32°S and 34° S latitude,
most likely at the foot of Broken Ridge at about 32.5 °S.

This is based on the fact that all the recovered debris was found in East Africa, and none in Australia,
and the timing of the arrival of the early found debris.
“Those latitudes should be searched about 70 nautical miles wide on either side of the 7th arc (A search 140nm wide).

The search should include the centerline area searched in the ATSB search,
but not yet by Ocean Infinity with its improved technological capacity.

“The underwater topography at the foot of Broken Ridge is rough, with many trenches,
where debris could have been missed.
MH 370 has too many theories and not enough evidence.

“However based on science, we know more than we did seven years ago.
MH370 crashed somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean, which is a very big place.
The Tanzania wing flap was examined and determined to have been retracted not deployed,
demonstrating it was not a controlled ditching.

“Shattered debris from the main cabin and other parts of the plane proves that it is not intact underwater.
People who claim to know everything about what happened to MH370 do not.
We know something about the what and the where MH370 crashed,
but we do not yet know the who how, and why.

“Malaysia should examine and investigate the debris (above) recovered recently in Jeffreys Bay South Africa,
and the baseplate of the vortex generator from Madagascar,
as both may shed light on how the plane impacted the water.

“Malaysia should also investigate and analyze the possible personal effects recovered in Madagascar and publish the results.
Malaysia should release the full simulator data,
(of the Captain’s computer) and most important release the raw military radar data so it can be analyzed.
...also see the additional photos at the Google-Drive document at ... qL-Dn/view
The finder recorded images of the item and six of these images were provided to
the authors by Blaine Gibson on February 17, 2021, simultaneously with a report

2021-03-07 Page 1 of 11

Mike Exner and Don Thompson, Independent Group

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Figure 1: Debris Article - Site of Recovery

published by ‘Airline Ratings1

’. The images are presented below with annotations to

aid orientation.
The debris article discussed herein was recovered on a South African shoreline
during late August 2020. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

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July 25, 2021

A source has disclosed to MH370 analyst Victor Iannello that an Italian satellite that is part of the COSMO-SkyMed constellation
detected three floating objects on March 21, 2014,
near where MH370 is believed to have crashed in the Southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.

This information was never publicly released and the three floating objects were detected
at 34.9519°S, 91.6833°E; 34.5742°S, 91.8689°E; and 34.7469°S, 92.1725°E.
The results from the drift analysis are shown in the figure below from Mr Iannello’s website.
...see ... -revealed/
Famous debris hunter Blaine Gibson who is responsible for finding a large amount of MH370 has his doubts.

“Even though I do not agree that these are from MH 370 because they could be anything and would place the crash site well south of 35°S,
in this group we welcome information from unattributed sources
as being valuable information that promotes discussion.” ... -revealed/

...and back in May/June 2021:
May 31, 2021
...see ... ck-hunter/
for those images and photos... per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »

‘It will be found’: search for MH370 continues with experts and amateurs still sleuthing

Sat 2 Oct 2021 20.00 BST ... -sleuthing ... -zmz2lcddc

...and earlier: ... g-results/
September 16, 2021

The possibility of a new search for MH370 has been dramatically enhanced by the latest results from trials of a new breakthrough tracking technology called WSPRnet.
Mr. Godfrey said that the information will be passed on to US-based Ocean Infinity, which has publically indicated that MH370 is unfinished business. Ocean Infinity searched for MH370 in January 2018.
However, any new search would likely not be till late 2022 early 2023. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »
60 Minutes Australia

Full Episodes: | Finding MH370 (2022)
Last update 16 February 2022

Statement on Mr Richard Godfrey’s analysis of the location for missing aircraft MH370

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has not had a formal involvement
in any search for the missing aircraft MH370 since the conclusion of the first underwater search in 2017,
has not recommenced a search for the aircraft,
and notes that any decision to conduct further searches would be a matter for the Government of Malaysia.

“The ATSB is aware of the work of Mr Richard Godfrey and acknowledges that he is a credible expert on the subject of MH370,
but the ATSB does not have the technical expertise to, and has not been requested to,
review his ‘MH370 Flight Path’ paper and workings.
As such the ATSB cannot offer an assessment of the validity of Mr Godfrey’s work using WSPR data,”
said ATSB Chief Commissioner Angus Mitchell.

“The ATSB does acknowledge that Mr Godfrey’s work recommends a search zone for MH370,
a significant portion of which covers an area searched during the ATSB-led underwater search,” Mr Mitchell continued.

“When the ATSB was made aware that Mr Godfrey’s zone incorporates an area of ocean surveyed during the ATSB-led search,
out of due diligence the ATSB requested Geoscience Australia review
the data it held from the search to re-validate that no items of interest were detected in that area.”

The ATSB expects that review to be finalised in coming weeks, the results from which will be made public on the ATSB’s website.

“The ATSB acknowledges the importance of locating the aircraft to provide answers
and closure to the families of those who lost loved ones,” Mr Mitchell said.
“The ATSB remains an interested observer in all efforts to find the missing aircraft."

Mr Mitchell reiterated that any decision to conduct further searches for MH370
would be a matter for the Government of Malaysia,
and that the ATSB was not aware of any requests to the Australian Government from Malaysia
to support a new search for the missing aircraft. ... raft-mh370 per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Key »

Just so it has been said at least once: thanks Stratofreighter, for hanging on to subjects like this and keeping the thread up-to-date. Much appreciated.

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Re: Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing.

Post by Stratofreighter »

..and here is, on the official Youtube-account of Sky News Australia,
that full documentary which was broadcast towards the end of February 2022 ...
3.106.921 weergaven
4 mrt. 2022

This Sky News Australia special investigation into the missing MH370 flight reveals new evidence and shocking allegations about the disappearance of the doomed plane.

On the night of March 8, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 carrying 239 passengers, including six Australians, vanished without a trace while on a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Sky News anchor and investigative journalist Peter Stefanovic presents the one-hour documentary MH370: The Final Search. per March/maart 2025...
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