Noted here October 24th were the following B52Hs
2BW "LA"
60-0002 bl '2BW'
60-0011 - '11BS'
60-0025 bl
(60)-0028 rd
61-0002 gr '2OG'
61-0010 bk '343BS'
61-0013 bl
61-0020 bl
(61)-0036 rd
93BS "BD"
(60)-0015 or/bl
60-0038 or/bl
61-0011 or/bl
61-0021 or/bl
61-0038 or/bl
53Wg "OT"
(61)-0028 or/wt '49TES'
Plus one other OT (60-0031?) and one with no tail (60-0016?)
Barksdale AFB/KBAD 2022
Forum rules
Re: Barksdale AFB/KBAD 2022
The 60-0016 is a GI without tail indeed. It is typically parked on the active ramp close to the museum at this location: 32.513925, -93.681113
Can't help you with the OT. They seem to change every now and then.
Can't help you with the OT. They seem to change every now and then.