2023: first Czech Bell AH-1/UH-1Zs to arrive. Fate of the Mil Mi-8 / Mi-24 / Mi-35 / Mi-171s ?

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2023: first Czech Bell AH-1/UH-1Zs to arrive. Fate of the Mil Mi-8 / Mi-24 / Mi-35 / Mi-171s ?

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://verticalmag.com/news/czechs-pre ... and-viper/
FEBRUARY 13, 2023

Later this year,
the armed forces of the Czech Republic will begin receiving 12 Bell H-1 aircraft
— four AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters and eight UH-1Y Venom utility helicopters.

The twin-engine, four-bladed platforms are modern variants of the AH-1 Cobra and UH-1 Huey.

Delivery of the first four — potentially two Vipers and two Venom — is expected in May 2023,
and that has required some significant adjustments for LOM Praha,
a state-owned enterprise that will assume responsibility for lifecycle support of the new fleets.
The Czech Air Force currently operates
15 Mi-171 and five Mi-17 transport helicopters and 10 Mi-24 larger attack and transport helicopters
that are interoperable with NATO partners.

The Mi-171 operates with the NATO Special Operations Air Tasking Unit
and about half are scheduled :!: to undergo a major upgrade
that will include a full glass cockpit, and new armor and weapons.
The Russian “design school” is based on what he called “safe life,”
where a part is replaced after a certain number of flying hours, no matter its condition.
The “Western approach” is more about frequent checks, component tolerance and integrity, and replacement as required, he said.

“In the Russian way of maintenance,
there is a big general overhaul — after seven years or 1,500 flight hours,” he explained.

“Everything stops for a year while the aircraft is overhauled.
On [the Bell helicopters] there is no such huge maintenance — the maintenance is cut into smaller checks.”
The company is also eyeing the possibility of an expanded H1 fleet
as the Czech government completes negotiations with the U.S. for eight more helicopters.

The state of the additional aircraft and the scope of the work required are still to be determined, Kalita said,
but the deal could involve
two more Venom and eight more Viper helicopters from the U.S. Marine Corps.

“These eight helicopters need to be modified
because they are an older version and they don’t meet the standard which is produced right now,” he said.
Final assembly would be completed in the Czech Republic.
Even as it prepares to take on the H1 maintenance,
LOM Praha remains committed to the Mi “workhorses,”
many of which are expected to operate until the mid-2030s.

After Russia launched its war in Ukraine in February 2022 and parts support became almost impossible,
LOM Praha was appointed as a type certificate holder
for the Mi-17 and Mi-171 by the Czech Military Airworthiness Authority (MAA).
Last edited by Stratofreighter on 22 Jun 2023, 09:48, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 2023: first Czech Bell AH-1/UH-1Zs to arrive. Mil Mi-171 / Mi-24 / Mi-17s ?

Post by Stratofreighter »

...pictures of the first Flight of the first Czech Bell AH-1Z Viper in "full-camo":

https://twitter.com/Danny_elMayor/statu ... 6201025536 :wink:

The original photographer:
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... 2786930410
First Czech Republic Air Force AH-1Z Viper on its first flight.
Taken during my breaktime and from a public road.
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Re: 2023: first Czech Bell AH-1/UH-1Zs to arrive. Fate of the Mil Mi-8 / Mi-24 / Mi-35 / Mi-171s ?

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://www.key.aero/article/czech-hind ... e-boletice
The Czech Air Force’s (CzAF) Mil Mi-24V Hind-E gunship fleet
has carried out its final live-fire exercise at the Boletice Military Training Area in the nation’s Český Krumlov district,
during which two examples of the attack helicopter
fired 640 machine gun and 800 cannon rounds, along with 239 S-8 rockets.

The CzAF announced the conclusion of this final live-fire exercise
– which involved two Mi-24Vs from the 221st Helicopter Squadron at Náměšt and Oslavou Air Base – on June 6,
adding that the main focus of this event was to engage simulated targets in cooperation with a unit of Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs).

This final live-fire exercise involved two special schemed Hind-Es:
3366 ‘Alien Tiger’, a scheme it has worn since NATO Tiger Meet 2016,
and 3369, which received a unique tiger-themed livery to celebrate 80 years of the 311th Czechoslovak Bomber Squadron in 2021.

The former was equipped with two GŠ-23 twin-barrelled 23mm rotary cannons, while the latter was fitted with S-8 rocket pods and four-barrelled 12.7mm machine gun pods.
Photos and a video thru
https://acr.army.cz/informacni-servis/z ... ch-244362/
https://acr-army-cz.translate.goog/info ... r_pto=wapp

The army says goodbye to the legendary "devil's carriage". The last sharp shooting from the Mi-24/35 took place in Boletice
Author: Captain Jindřiška Budiková

640 machine gun rounds, 800 cannon rounds and 239 S-8 rockets.
That much ammunition was fired by the pilots of the Náměšť 221st helicopter squadron
during a total raid of 16 hours during the last firings from the Mi-24/35 fighter at VÚ Boletice.

The story of this legendary machine of Soviet origin is slowly coming to an end in the Army of the Czech Republic.
This August 2023,
an incredible 45 years will pass when the Czechoslovak the Air Force began operating these helicopters.

The Mi-24 battle helicopter was and is a machine that commands truly deserved respect.
However, the Russians themselves gave it the nickname "crocodile",
while the Afghan Mujahideen called it "devil's carriage"
during the Soviet-Afghan war of 1979-89.

This legendary machine has served in the Czech Army for almost 45 years,
this year it will be replaced by the American machines Venom and Viper.

The swan song of the vicar's Hindus

The helicopter with fuselage number 3366 in Alien Tiger camouflage carried two GŠ-23 double-barreled cannons under its wings, and helicopter 3369 was armed on the right and left with containers with S-8 rockets and a four-barreled 12.7 mm machine gun.

"Today, S-8 rockets, a machine gun and a GŠ-23 cannon were fired, both during the day and at night with night vision goggles. We also practiced a group flight, where all three types of weapons were fired at the same time. However, how much we actually shoot depends mainly on the weather, which changes from minute to minute in Boletice," says Captain Jiří Zbranek, senior instructor leader of the 221st helicopter squadron.

A FARP (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) was built in the military district, from which helicopters took off and landed after completing the task. It only took them 5 minutes to fly over to the air range. "Ondřejov shooting range is located at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level. It is unique in its hilly terrain and thus enables us to train in flying and shooting in rugged terrain," describes First Lieutenant T. CH., Mi-24/35 pilot.
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