Beziers - Cap d'Agde - Vias (BZR/LFMU)

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Wijgert IJlst
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Beziers - Cap d'Agde - Vias (BZR/LFMU)

Post by Wijgert IJlst »

Haven't actualy been at the airport, but our campsite was right underneath the approach route.
Besides the daily Ryanair flights, some civil choppers and general aviation I noted a few more interesting visitors now and then.

29/5/14 - FAF 1x CN.235 arriving
2/6/14 - Sec. Civil 2x CL.415 flying in the neighbourhood, can't tell if they around for a sortie or heading to Bezier airport. Also low flying fighters have been heard in the area (to low to see them).
4/6/14 - FAF 1x M.2000D/N arriving around 14h30.
4/6/14 - FAF 1x Xingu (grey c/s) arriving around 14h45
4/5/14 - TB.20 F-GMQG Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile (14h50)
4/6/14 - ALAT 1x Tigre in the area at 15h00, flying very low along the shore, can't tell if they around for a sortie or heading to Bezier airport. Also during the evening around 20h00 1 or 2 low flying fighters have been heard in the area (far to low to see them).
5/6/14 - FAF 2x M.2000 around 11h00 heading to the east (sea side)
5/6/14 - 1x EC.135 Douanes? (or perhaps SAMU)

It might be a very long shot, but would be quite happy if any one could be able to fill in the ID's of one of these sightings.
Kind Regards / Groeten,

Wijgert IJlst
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Wijgert IJlst
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Subscriber Scramble: Wijgert IJlst

Re: Beziers - Cap d'Agde - Vias (BZR/LFMU)

Post by Wijgert IJlst »

24/4/2023 - Beech 200 F-ZBFJ (Mode-s hex 3B7B65), Benga98 c/s
26+27/4/2023 - TB-30 115/04/F-HEYF Epslon 4 c/s (flight demonstration practice at the airport)
26+27/4/2023 - TB-30 143/05/F-HEZH Epslon 4 c/s (flight demonstration practice at the airport)
27/4/2023 - Tigre departure in southern direction
2/5/23 - EC.135 JDM Gendarmerie along coastline heading north (16.05lt)
3/5/23 - EC.135 JDM Gendarmerie heading south (15.30lt) and along coastline heading north (19.35lt)
3/5/23 - CL415 F-ZB?? between 20.30 and 20.45lt several appr & t/g's at the airport.
4/5/23 - 3x A109BA heading north (along the coastline), coming from Perpginan. Believed to be H26, H28 and H26 (BAF317).
4/5/23 - 1x A.400M OTT Beziers (16.10lt) heading west, 0010 based on ADSB.
5/5/23 - the sound of a fighter jet surprised me, coming low level out of the direction of the airport. Could not find it, ADSB says it was F-ZJTK (which makes it CEV, but type unclear).
Kind Regards / Groeten,

Wijgert IJlst
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