2024/2025: ...a Swiss order for a single (Special Purpose) civvie Chinook 234...

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2024/2025: ...a Swiss order for a single (Special Purpose) civvie Chinook 234...

Post by Stratofreighter »

https://www.helihub.com/2024/03/05/colu ... l-chinook/
https://www.heliopsmag.com/news/columbi ... l-chinook/
https://aerialfiremag.com/2024/02/28/co ... l-chinook/
https://www.helis.com/database/news/chi ... p-columbia
International customer HeliSwiss International, a Swiss helicopter operator
specializing in heavy lift long line precision work and disaster relief, will also be a
customer for the 234SP.
CEO of HeliSwiss, Stéphane Delaye, writes,

“For over 60
years, Heliswiss International has developed an expertise in the construction and
assembly of complex structures worldwide with the help of 10 tons category aircrafts.

In the frame of its development strategy and the global development plan of the Swiss
Helicopter Group,
Heliswiss has assessed the European market and confirmed the
need for a 20 tons category helicopter.

With this further step, Heliswiss intends to
operate the Chinook 234 SP as a utility – purposed Super Heavy Helicopter,
and to
support the ambitious development plan of Power Grids in Europe.”

With certification and market entry planned for 2025,
the 234SP development program
signify a pivotal moment in the history of Chinook.

It offers operators an opportunity to
optimize their fleets and achieve unparalleled performance and efficiency.
With the signature of a Letter of Intent to purchase a Chinook,
Heliswiss makes a further step in its project to operate the 234SP as a utility-purposed Super Heavy Helicopter,
and to support the ambitious development plan of Power Grids in Europe with an unmatched lifting capacity of more than 10 tons.

We are happy to have the support of Columbia Helicopters to operate a Chinook in early 2025, independent from the certification process of 234SP.”

With certification and market entry planned for 2025,
the 234SP development program signifies a pivotal moment in the history of the Chinook.

It offers operators an opportunity to optimize their fleets and achieve unparalleled performance and efficiency.
December 2024 updates at FokkerNews.nl....
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