Germany: new heavy H225 police helicopters to replace Bundespolizei Super Puma and H155 Dauphins...

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Germany: new heavy H225 police helicopters to replace Bundespolizei Super Puma and H155 Dauphins...

Post by Stratofreighter » ... 88246.html
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20 Jan 2024, 7:00

Postponement of the acquisition of H225 from the Bundespolizei

The renewal order for 40 Super Puma from the Bundespolizei has been postponed to 2024 due to a budget problem in Germany.

For Airbus Helicopters, which offers the H225, this order is strategic due to the scale of the order,
and therefore the impact of this contract on the company's activity,
the Bundespolizei being a key customer for the European manufacturer .

“For political, industrial and operational reasons, I am convinced that the H225 is the right answer ,”
Bruno Even emphasized in November at the Dubai Air Show.
A market competed for by the S92 from Sikorsky and the H225 from Airbus Helicopters.

In addition, the federal government wants to acquire three new VIP helicopters (200 million euros in the 2024 budget).
These helicopters are used in particular to transport members of the federal cabinet, mainly in Germany.

But according to MP Ingo Gädechens (CDU),
this budget should be used to replace the Cougars (Airbus Helicopters) of the Bundeswehr.
And earlier on: ... ub=logboek
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plus ... im-rennen/
https://www-behoerden--spiegel-de.trans ... r_pto=wapp
The Federal Police needs new medium transport helicopters.
Because the models used so far are getting old.
According to information from the Spiegel authorities,
two manufacturers were involved in the award process.
One has now withdrawn.

Airbus and Sikorsky were in the running until recently.
Airbus offers the H-225 model, Sikorsky offered the S-92.

They would be the replacement for the Airbus H-155 and Super Puma helicopters.

The service description for the project should be finalized by the end of the year.
The Airbus H-225 is a helicopter that has been around since the 1980s and has been continually developed since then.
The machines have a latest generation glass cockpit and a new five-blade rotor with improved aerodynamics.

Sikorsky's S-92 would not have been completely new either.
It is currently flown frequently, especially for missions over water,
including to bring personnel to or pick up from oil platforms.

However, no statement was received from the procurement office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BeschA),
which is responsible for the procurement process.
There reference was made to the ongoing procedure and the fact that it was a security-specific order.

Sikorsky told the Spiegel authorities:

“In the current year, we have informed the official side of our decision
not to make any further offers in the current step of the process
and under the existing general conditions.”

Fewer resources available

The operational focus of the new medium transport helicopters is on police tasks, in particular on the transport of special forces. The helicopters should also be able to be equipped with winches and water tanks to fight vegetation fires, i.e. they can be used in disaster control. To what extent the procurement process can be carried out as planned remains to be seen.
Instead of the originally estimated 1.85 billion euros,
only around 1.4 billion euros are available according to the current budget draft.

The federal chairman of the Federal Association of Flying Police Personnel (BfPP), R. Uwe Kraus,
is disappointed by the departure of the only Airbus competitor.

He is in favor of terminating the procedure and starting it again.
Kraus criticizes:
Without competition, the Federal Police will not get the best product for the next 25 to 30 years.

Some members of the Interior Committee of the German Bundestag therefore see a need for further discussion.
Last edited by Stratofreighter on 06 Jun 2024, 16:46, edited 1 time in total. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Germany: new heavy police helicopters wanted to replace Bundespolizei Super Puma and H155 Dauphins...

Post by Stratofreighter » ... an-airbus/
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Major order for federal police helicopters apparently goes to Airbus

May 24, 2024

The European helicopter company Airbus Helicopters is apparently close to winning a major contract
to equip the federal police with new helicopters.
This involves the procurement of 38 machines as a firm order and 6 more as an option.

As can be heard from well-informed circles,
Airbus prevailed in the tender with its H225 Super Puma model against competition from Europe and the USA. per March/maart 2025...
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Re: Germany: new heavy H225 police helicopters to replace Bundespolizei Super Puma and H155 Dauphins...

Post by Stratofreighter »

...and it is official, now.... ... er-airbus/ ... 73.article
Comprising 38 firm orders and six options,
the ministry values the agreement at €1.9 billion ($2 billion),
also including spare parts and training.
Deliveries of the new Super Pumas are scheduled to begin in 2029 and will run until 2035.

The new H225s will replace the Bundespolizei’s current fleet
of 19 H155s and 19 AS332s – an older Super Puma variant –
which have been in service for an average of 30 years, the ministry says. per March/maart 2025...
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