Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 2

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Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 2

Post by f4phantom »

After Red Deer its time to drive west to the Rocky Mountains, we stopped 11-9-24 at Golden airport and had a look. No problem to walk to the heli to take a photo and got a tour in the hangar again :D



Next aviation stop 13-9-24, Kelowna airport + its museum, the museum is entree fee is a donation




Not part of the museum this B727, used for training


next to this B727 some other aircraft were stored/dumped
C131 N157JR
C131 N4753B
Fokker 27 C-GCRA

Close to the museum the KF Aerospace maintenance hangars are based, not sure if C-GKFF is stored/used for spares/WFU/in maintanance


Next day 14-9-24 2 airports on the route, first Kamloops with also a seaplane base, 2 nice ones there



Second airport this day was Abbotsford, goal was to make a photo of the L188 C-GYCG stored there, this was not possible because it was parked at the military area, however these ones were able to photograph on the civil dump area:




Soon part 3 of the roadtrip
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Re: Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 2

Post by f4phantom »

Almost forgot this one, long distance shot at Kelowna of still active Convair 580 C-GKFG

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Rene Klok
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Re: Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 2

Post by Rene Klok »

So nice that a B727 is the most modern aircraft in this set.
Groeten, Regards,

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