Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 3

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Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 3

Post by f4phantom »

A 1,5 hour drive from Abbotsford away is the Boeing factory in the USA. Since 2023 the factory tours started again and always wanted to go there. When i looked on the website it stated that tickets are currently unavailable (likely due to the boeing employees on strike).
So instead of heading south we went further west again in the direction of Langley, here the Canadian Museum of Flight can be found, we arrived here 15-9-24





The museum is located at Langley Airport itself, so a walkaround here was done, lots of dumped frames



And again further heading west, this time to Vancouver International Airport, trying to catch some Convairs from KF Aerospace.

Not 1


But 3 Convairs (C-GKFG,C-FKFZ,C-GKFS)


From Vancouver we took the boat to Nanaimo, next day heading south, when we arrived we noticed the skycrane at Nanaimo airport, never seen this type of heli before in real


Again further south this nice overvieuw of Victoria Harbour Airport


Last stop the 16th the BC Aviation Museum at Victoria International Airport with the Martin Mars just arrived there






Kamov 32 on loan to the museum from VIH Helicopters, not allowed to fly anymore



Part 4 soon
Last edited by f4phantom on 30 Sep 2024, 14:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Rene Klok
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Re: Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 3

Post by Rene Klok »

I was at Langley in 2012. Not the most easiest museum to get clean shots.
Was the Hampden still there?
Groeten, Regards,

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Re: Holiday in BC and AB, Canada part 3

Post by f4phantom »

Hello Rene,

Yes, the Hampden is still there :D
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